Top 5 Summer Swim Reads for 2017

Bubbles Swim School
Published in
2 min readMay 22, 2017

Outdoor swimming and reading are two of my most favourite things, and I know that I’m not alone in the love of these steadfast past times. So imagine my delight in finding five new books for 2017 that combine the two in perfect harmony.

1. Leap In: A Woman, Some Waves, and the Will to Swim by Alexandra Heminsley

A Brighton resident and new mum who penned her wild water swimming journey as a follow up to her Running Like a Girl success.

2. Swell: A Waterbiography by Jenny Landreth

This delves into the connection between women and swimming in a very witty way.

3. Turning by Jessica j. Lee

Jessica tells her story about how she used swimming to try and mend a broken heart and beat depression. The Guardian review is here.

4. Watermarks : Writing by Lido Lovers and Wild Swimmers by Tanya Shadrick

It is an anthology of new writing by lido lovers and wild swimmers including extracts from Alexandra’s book above.

5. Swimming Lessons by Claire Fuller

The odd one out novel, but when writing about books I should be allowed some room for creative license. Read The Observer review here

What’s more, Alexandra and Jenny will be speaking at Balham Lit Fest on Sunday 11th June.



Bubbles Swim School

Teaching swimming by using fun and engaging techniques within small class sizes. Helping our pupils become #AtOneWithWater. Based in #SE19