Atra Updates to Support the New Goerli Test Network in Wake of Ethereum Merge

Atra Blockchain Services updates to support Goerli test network in wake of Rinkeby test network elimination

Hannah Duckworth
Atra Blockchain Services
3 min readOct 16, 2022


What’s Happening?

Atra, which previously supported the Rinkeby test net, has updated to support the Goerli test net in wake of the recent Ethereum Merge. Atra will no longer support the Rinkeby test net, as Ethereum is also ending support for it.


In September 2022, Ethereum made a huge update, going from a proof-of-work network to a proof-of-stake network, in an event called the Merge. This event not only changed the way Ethereum inherently works, but its associated test networks. Test networks that previously existed, like Rinkeby and Ropsten, will now be null and void and replaced by new proof-of-stake test networks Goerli and Sepola.

Ethereum has many test networks that allow users and developers to interact with the workings of Ethereum without having to interact with or pay for the main network. Ethereum describes test networks as copies of the Ethereum mainnet on which Ether and other tokens have no value. They allow application, tooling, infrastructure and protocol developers to deploy changes to their products (or the protocol itself!) in a low stakes environment, before moving to mainnet.value. They allow application, tooling, infrastructure and protocol developers to deploy changes to their products (or the protocol itself!) in a low stakes environment, before moving to mainnet.

Until this point, Atra operated on the Rinkeby test-net, offering users a way to interact with Ethereum through the popular proof-of-authority test net and prototype their work before heading to the main net. With the elimination of Rinkeby, Atra has updated to support the Goerli test net. Goerli is the new cross-client proof-of-authority test net on Ethereum.

What does this mean for me?

Atra users will now build and prototype on the Goerli test net via the Atra platform. The user experience of Atra will not change, however it is important to note that all usage and anything yielded from the platform prior to October 17th, 2022 will no longer be available or be supported. With the upgrade to the new test net, we must wipe the slate clean and start new. Please understand that we don’t wish to void your work, but it simply will not render based on the elimination of the Rinkeby test net. It is unfortunate, but in the ever-evolving world of Web3, can be expected to happen. With that said, we are excited for the big updates and upgrades made to the Ethereum network and are happy to evolve with the community.


Atra has updated to support the new Goerli test net given the Rinkeby test net is no longer supported by Ethreum. With this update, anything made on the Atra platform previous to October 17th, 2022 will no longer function or display to you.


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