Feeling Perky!

Rica Quilang
Atrae Culture Blog
Published in
2 min readNov 30, 2017

Hello! It’s been a while. I would say, I was kind of occupied with assisting the members prepare for their English Speaking Test recently (perhaps I’ll talk about it next time if the result would be favorable! haha)

So for now, I’d like to briefly talk about one of Atrae’s interesting perks and programs, and share a little bit about our last General Meeting.

Incidentally, this month marks the 1st year of the company’s benefit for the members, which means officially in November last year, we became shareholders of Atrae. We were granted restricted stock however in our case, it’s not as a form of employee compensation but more of a reward or an incentive. More importantly, one unique point about it is that we are the first company in Japan (in this industry) that has granted Restricted Stock to its employees after going public — (we held our IPO in June 2016) For more information, you may check its press release in our Corporate Website, currently it’s in Japanese. So that’s one.

As for our General Meeting — previously, it was held on September 30th-October 1st —yes, it was an overnight stay at a guest house in Shizuoka Prefecture and the place was exclusively for us that weekend! (that was my first short trip/overnight stay with them too)

Unlike before, the theme of our General Meeting at the time was focused more on thorough discussion so that everyone was encouraged to raise questions after each of the Board Members’ presentation. It was kind of fresh because their talk wasn’t that focused on figures but more of achieving our Vision “create the company that attracts people in the world”. Not only that, it also included a recollection of how our main service Green looked like before. It was a good chance especially for our new members to understand how much it has grown over the years. Particularly in his talk, it was such a delight to hear the CEO emphasizing on making the members happy, needless to say, the globalization part sounds exciting as well.

Overall, it was indeed an informative, meaningful and a fun General Meeting this year!

General Meeting October 2017

Thank you for reading! :) and btw, one of my colleagues is going to join me on this blog too. You’ll hear from him soon, so please look forward! Till then! :)



Rica Quilang
Atrae Culture Blog

English Language Trainer keen on making a difference in the business world. Currently working in Japan