Intensive Training

Rica Quilang
Atrae Culture Blog
Published in
3 min readNov 18, 2019
Photo by Ivan Shilov on Unsplash

Hi! I know it’s a been a while, I’m sorry.. no excuses so let me make it up by giving an update on the progress of our English Program! I mentioned in one of my posts before what kind of training we’ve been doing for the members in Atrae — the ondoku training (reading package). Yes, we’re still working on that but this time it’s more intensively.

There are several members taking classes in Atrae, most especially the project leaders. We felt it’s high time for them to take their studies seriously so six months ago, we decided to focus on them more. We require them to have more self-study time, they’re required to study for 2 hours every day ideally! It may not sound enough to some but considering their hectic daily schedule, taking 2 hours a day is a little challenging for them. We give them homework that consists of 2 kinds, the ondoku training, and vocabulary — (I’m going to talk about the latter one on my next following blogs so please wait for that.)

We keep an eye on them, give them constant reminders when they seem to go out of track, we test their shadowing skills by letting them shadow an unseen material. These little things we do I believe will have an impact on their progress. We became more committed to this project since we’re getting close to one of our goals that is to expand our business outside of Japan. Our CEO and CFO have been meeting with foreign businesspeople in different situations recently, be it business meetings, or even just simple greetings and company introduction.

So, any progress after studying much more for six months?? I’m happy to say yes there is noticeable progress! Primarily their listening skills have improved in a way they can do shadowing (using a certain material) better now. Also, they took TOEIC this month and got a higher score! Amazingly better than we expected haha.. Plus, we shifted to a higher level of material (a more difficult one because they’re now ready for it) and still using the same method of studying. If you’d ask me is the ondoku training (reading package method) effective? I believe that this method (reading aloud, repeating & shadowing) is effective when done constantly, and since it’s a “package” it’s such a good combination of a training method that your brain absorbs. Like physical muscle training, I think you’re like building your English muscle brain using this method.

We’re amazed to see their improvement, thanks to my teammates! We’re joining forces to see our project leaders improve the fastest way possible. I know we still have a long way to go but this little improvement means a lot to us.

Language learning isn’t easy and there’s no shortcut either, there’s only constant effort and it’s indeed a lifelong learning that needs dedicating your time and energy. So to those who are doing their best in studying English and find it challenging, just hang in there, you’ll eventually see some progress!

Thank you for reading. :)

