Our boomerang employee

Saori Fujiwara
Atrae Culture Blog
Published in
5 min readSep 13, 2019

*This article was originally written in Japanese as an interview for a new member.

Hi, this time we will introduce our member Yuya NAKAMURA, who rejoined Atrae in April, 2019!

Nakamura has joined Atrae as a new graduate. After changing company, he experienced a various work style such as side job, freelancer, entrepreneur and finally came back to Atrae.
We asked him the reason why he once quit Atrae and why decided to return…

Biography of Nakamura

Graduated Waseda University in 2009. Joined Atrae as a new graduate and contributed in Green team as a sales member for a few years. Then changed job to SMART EDUCATION, LTD. to work in a mobile app business for preschool children.
After starting up his own business, he accepted the passionate offer from Atrae to come back.

Meeting 100 start-up CEOs

When Nakamura was looking for a job as a fresh graduate, he first was being attracted to global consulting firms or marketing positions just because it seemed cool.
But when he happened to meet some famous start-up founders and CEOs in a class in university, his point of view completely changed.
Since then, his goal became to meet 100 start-up CEOs and see the leading companies of each industry for job hunt.

For that, he first used all the connections he had to get appointments with CEOs and also joined every event where he could exchange business cards with CEOs.
Perhaps it wasn’t the smartest way, but he wrote emails with all the passion he could express, just exactly as ‘acting before thinking’.
His enthusiasm reached the CEOs’ hearts and most of them took the time to meet him.
He managed to meet more than 100 CEOs at the end.

(We bet we can see his strength for never giving up and massive energy to take actions.)

During that process, his condition with his target company narrowed down into 3 points.

  • Members are less than 50 .
  • New members can go to appointments and not only be taking appointments by phone forever.
  • Gives a fair responsibility to members to try to make new businesses or try on management regarding their performance.

Simply felt Atrae is cool

When he met Atrae, he felt sympathy with the extrovert vision, “Energizing people and organizations”, which is now the vision for Green.
Also, he got strongly attracted to our CEO, Arai by his attitude pursuing the ideal team and his warm-hearted personality that takes good care of people around him.
He simply felt it cool.

He applied for Atrae and soon got an offer, of course his answer was an absolute yes!

From the very next day, he was on the company side of a recruiting event as a member of Atrae. Since then he worked will all his heart.

After 3 years, he was confident with his performance and contribution to the team. His eagerness to taking a new challenge on other things was getting stronger and stronger…

Change happened when he was 27

Briefly saying, he wanted to make a new business.
He discussed with Arai many times and told his thoughts again and again.
But Arai couldn’t give the answer he wanted.

Reflecting at that time, he can now understand the situation clearer. It was an unstable and difficult period for Atrae, and was inopportune timing to assign the main member of Green to another project.
But 27-year-old Nakamura couldn’t accept that judgement.

At the same time, the vision of Atrae was changed. The new vision was “To be a team that we can be proud of”, which he felt it introvert.
Through his job as a sales or hiring, he felt more sympathy with extrovert vision, which again he can now understand that the new vision was too.

He was growing apart from Atrae.
Many days passed by thinking of job change or starting his own business, going to a bigger company or maybe an early-stage startup…

After all, he decided to go to a company with an education business that he always had an interest in.

Keeping in touch with Atrae

After leaving Atrae, he changed his working style many times.
Once he tried working on a side business while belonging to a company, then tried becoming a freelancer, and also started his own business.

He enjoyed all the experiences and noticed that it had already been 7 years since he left Atrae.
He grew up enough to stay calm and devise strategies not only taking actions with simple passion.

Among all respectful business leaders, the only person he called “Boss” was Arai, neither the CEO of the company he changed job to, nor famous CEOs he had ever become close to.
Arai, the only boss for him had been always taking good care of him, treating dinner or drinks.

It was around Autumn of 2018, when he was asked to come back to Atrae by Arai and other initial members.
However, that time Nakamura had a lot of things he wanted to try alone, so he turned it down.

In winter, he was asked to rejoin again.
This time, he was asked to help wevox to spread the service, which was fitting his three philosophies.

  1. Is the vision empathetic?
  2. Are the members attractive enough that you want to treat them drink?
  3. Is the job to solve problems that you feel it a problem?

In addition, is it profitable to earn enough?

The job at Atrae was meeting all the points.
Nakamura decided to join back to Atrae, and to make an ideal company together.

Rejoining Atrae

Since he came back to Atrae in April 2019, he feels that each and every member here is trying to make an ideal company from the bottom of their heart.
No gaps were there. Arai and the members are all there just the same as 8 years ago.
He hopes to work hard on making people around him to enjoy work with passion.

Do you want to take part in making an ideal company?
Do you want to work in our highly engaged team?

If your answer is both YES, come to see us!

