Âtrium’s Alpha Launch at NFTxLV

4 min readOct 20, 2023


At Âtrium, our core mission has always been crystal clear: to unite the vibrant and rapidly growing Cardano ecosystem into a single, user-friendly interface that educates new users while enhancing the experience for legacy users.

Unveiling Âtrium

After a year of hard work behind the scenes, we finally got to see our alpha release in the hands of users at this years NFTxLV conference in Las Vegas. We knew our elegant, animated UI was something best experienced in person to be fully appreciated and our audience fully agreed. As attendees made their way to our booth, they were greeted by a luminous LED backdrop, standing out amidst the crowd. A simple ‘connect wallet’ screen on a monitor was enough to intrigue users to come and engage with Âtrium, gliding around its animated interface and exploring its features.

Community Feedback

Feedback from attendees was motivating and inspiring for us all on the team. Our interface was described as ‘gorgeous’, with users quickly grasping its functionality. One attendee aptly put it, “You are to Cardano, what Windows was to DOS.” The enthusiasm for our staking baskets, was met with sincere appreciation with expansion into ‘create your own basket’ gathering keen interest for its potential to further decentralize the ecosystem and lend support to small pools.

Engaging the Community

The conference provided us with a unique platform to engage with some of the most influential figures in the industry. Conversations with Micky Watkins from World Mobile, Charles Hoskinson, and Tamara Haasen from Input Output were extremely uplifting and they enthusiastically listened to our pitches and validated our products with their kind words. Interactions with the Lace team were dynamic and fruitful, as were those with Ape Society members, and PlayerMint. Discussions with key thought leaders around an idea for a new CIP (Cardano Improvement Proposal) helped solidify the concept and create a shared vision for how to proceed. More on this to follow in the next few weeks.

On social media

Watch here: https://www.youtube.com/live/Peeo8zMaLO0?si=yr0MSNTRp0CEZM33&t=1459

Our Co-Founder Peyton thrived on stage during the Input Output livestream when interviewed by Charles Hoskinson and Tim Harrison. And again whilst being interviewed by Rick McCraken’s on a twitter livestream, where Peyton and Ben (Co-Founder and Creative Director) showcased our application live.

Watch here: https://twitter.com/i/broadcasts/1nAKEamNQylKL

Pey also took to the stage to explain the reasons why we developed Staking baskets, and why we feel that they are so important to the development of staking infrastructure on Cardano.


The NFTxLV conference was a pivotal moment for Âtrium. We have been working quietly for the last year, teasing social media with seductive graphics and often cryptic statements. So to be able to stand up in front of our extended family, the Cardano Community and show them that we are delivering on our promise was a wonderful privilage. And better than that, was the response which been nothing short of phenomenal. It gave us all a huge burst in motivation and confidence to continue in our mission, knowing that we are building something that is both needed and keenly anticipated. Our team benefitted greatly from spending some time together in the same room, as we all work remotely at great distances. Thank you so much to Marco and Adam for hosting such a wonderful conference, and we encourage others in the space to consider attending or exhibiting at NFTxLV next year.

As we forge ahead, we’re elated to finally bring Âtrium to life with its plethora of new features, all designed to push the space forward and accelerate growth of Cardano ecosystem.

Stay tuned for more updates on Âtrium and our upcoming releases. Join our Discord and follow our Twitter.




Co-founder and Creative Director of Âtrium</Lab>