Fund 10 — Catalyst Proposals

Published in
5 min readJul 24, 2023

We are applying for Catalyst Fund 10. Here is a breakdown of what we are asking for, with some additional resources to further explain our proposals.


We are looking to fund 3 projects that will run in tandem. These 3 projects have been broken down into several proposals, to differentiate between project deliverables and allow best fit for each funding category.

Dashboard & Education — 2 proposals
Staking baskets - 4 proposals
Social platform — 4 proposals

All will play critical roles in the success of Atrium and offer exciting new opportunities for decentralization, connectivity, and enhancement to the Cardano network. The majority of these proposals are already in production, some near their beginning, but many are very near completion. The risks of failure have been mitigated and significant time and investment have already been made into these proposals.

Due to the impact these features will have on the community, we feel we make a compelling case for Catalyst funding.

These proposals will fund our core team and suppliers for the next 12 months of our pipeline.

Proposal list


Our dashboard is in the final bug-fixing stages and getting ready for our Alpha release. We have been designing, redesigning, building, rebuilding, and refining this dashboard for over a year now. We’ve built it to be a versatile, forward-looking system that will act as the base for the future ecosystem we are building.

The educational element of our funding is a request to help assist with the high-quality motion graphics we have planned for the platform. To ensure that new users and less tech-savvy are welcomed into Cardano, we are building Âtrium to be a learning tool, which removes jargon and explains concepts needed to engage with Web 3.0 in a simple way. We will need a lot of these videos and they take a long time to script, storyboard, record voiceovers, and animate. But the end results are so worth it.

Atrium dashboard
Onboarding Educational Platform

Staking baskets

The world of Staking Baskets will have a profound impact on the Cardano network. SPOs now have a trustless way to join forces, share resources and focus their attention on a common mission. Whether it's a group of friends teaming up, or charities combining to expand marketing efforts. Stake baskets are a huge feature and we can't wait to share them with you. The actual smart contract is built and undergoing an audit, the rest of the platform is under construction, and the first phase of release is (optimistically) Q4 this year.

The Staking Basket ecosystem requires multiple pieces to execute. As such we have split our staking baskets development into 4 funding proposals:

Stake basket Contract + Audit
Stake baskets Platform
Customizable Basket Platform
Staking Basket Bot

Social media

The Stoa contract is a revolutionary new innovation on Cardano. Editable NFTs can be used to store information ready for display in a social media profile. We are incredibly excited to provide a social ecosystem that is built with Cardano in mind.

Social media on Cardano is a vast project with a long time horizon. There are so many features we are eager to implement, however looking forward for the next 12 months we have identified 4 elements we need to execute on first, these 4 funding proposals are:

Stoa Smart Contract
Âtrium account minting + updating platform
Profile + project pages
Incentivised project engagement platform


Why do you have 10 proposals?

We applied for Catalyst funding last year in Fund 9. We unfortunately narrowly missed out on funding by a very small margin. Many projects in this situation might give up at this point however we persisted. We spend the next year working for free, funding all expenses and external development (~300k) from our own pockets as we believe what we are building is of real significance and importance to the Cardano ecosystem.
In our view, this resilience and determination to build is exactly the kind of attributes that a team should have if they are to be deserving of Catalyst funding. We have strong ambitions for the growth of Âtrium, to the point that we have a 5-year roadmap lined up in front of us. What we are asking for is only 1 year's worth of development, and we have broken that down into 10 different proposals so that the allocations are utilizing the correct funding categories, asking for only what we need in each development stage. With this funding, we aim to deliver multiple groundbreaking products that deliver on our goals to simplify the Cardano experience, decentralize further and Connect the ecosystem. We have proved to ourselves what we are capable of this past year, and we are very close to proving that to you all too.

How are you going to deliver on all these proposals?

We are supported by multiple teams with specific knowledge sets to construct back-end portions of the proposed systems. However, all the projects are managed, designed, and integrated into Âtrium by our core team.

We have:
7 Core Âtrium Team members
3 Mlabs team members
3 Anastasia Labs team members
1 Kompact Team member
4 Advisors

How much are you asking for?

At the time we submitted the proposals, we are asking for around $810k in total. As we had to submit our funding request in ADA amount, the actual amount we submitted will change in Dollar value.


Atrium dashboard — $70k
Onboarding education platform — $45k
Dashboard total: $135k

Stake Baskets

Contract + audit — $95k
Platform — $105k
Customizable baskets — $95k
Staking basket bot- $70k
Staking basket total: $365k

Social Platform

Stoa contract — $70k
Atrium account minting + updates — $60k
Profile & project pages — $90k
Incentivized project engagement platform — $90k
Social platform total: $310k

Grand total $810k


We have the utmost respect for the Catalyst funding mechanism built into our beautiful network. It is there to accelerate Cardano forward and provide genuine builders with the resources they need to build the vision for the future that the community deems necessary. We submitted each proposal with that respect in mind, being careful not to request too much, only what we need to support our large team and the development of tooling we see as hugely impactful for the Cardano community.

We applied for funding in last year's Fund 9 and were unsuccessful. However, this didn't stop us, we continued on at huge personal expense to build out Atrium and the proposed features. We feel this is a testimony to the resilience of the team and our ability to execute under duress.
Our Alpha release is just around the corner, with staking baskets expected to launch this year. We can't wait to show you all what we’ve been building.




Co-founder and Creative Director of Âtrium</Lab>