A Deep Dive into Azure Kubernetes Service and Istio Ambient for sidecar-less microservices integration (part 1)

Lior Yantovski
AT&T Israel Tech Blog
9 min readMay 18, 2023

Short introduction to Service Mesh:

“A Service Mesh is a dedicated infrastructure layer for making service-to-service communication safe, fast, and reliable”

Ref: https://linkerd.io/2017/04/25/whats-a-service-mesh-and-why-do-i-need-one/

I’ll add to this great definition also operational observability and ability to provide different traffic scenarios.

Sidecar or Sidecar-less?

There are a variety of service mesh solutions running on Kubernetes and previously they were all based on the sidecar approach.

Recently with the rise of popularity of eBPF , the latest announcements made by Solo.io and Google in September 2022 at the latest Kubecon 2023 regarding sidecar-less service mesh — Ambient from Istio and Cilium from Isovalent, I decided to give a try and run Istio Ambient sidecar-less service mesh on Azure AKS private cluster.

The pros of using sidecar-less are to set the connection between sidecar and its app container deployment free, save compute resources, upgrading service mesh do not require app pod restart and more.

Currently we are running another service mesh based on sidecars and if there an option to have the same or even better performance, and save costs it worth a try.

There is a short documentation provided by Solo.io about Istio Ambient hands-on implementation and additional topology articles, and on MSFT site there is only reference to sidecar solution, so this an interesting challenge was accepted.

Let’s switch back to service mesh architecture — in general we can say that service mesh comprises of two main planes — Data and Control planes.

While Control plane used to propagate configurations and security settings/policies (by various Kubernetes CRDs) through authentication, authorization to a data plane for establishing encrypted (by mTLS) communication between microservices, controlling traffic routing, monitoring, discovery, and registration of services.

Control plane typically comes with a management interface UI, API and CLI and that the operations/admins use to configure the service mesh.

Data plane is essentially the execution components such as all proxy components which do the actual work on the compute nodes like traffic routing, cert exchange, metrics collection and tracing.

Let’s look at how it appears in Istio Ambient

The Data plane (proxy layer) on Istio Ambient is separated into a 2-layer approach by taking care of different OSI model layers: Layer 4 (TCP) and Layer 7 (HTTP/HTTPS).

By using the 2-layer approach we can easily try to and implement each part of the new proxy components step-by-step.

The first part consists of “ztunnel” daemonsets deployed on each node and provide us with Layer4 secured connectivity include mTLS with authentication and authorization polices, metrics for observability and all that without terminating HTTP traffic or HTTP headers.

This agent is a zero-trust tunnel or “ztunnel” and its responsibility is to securely connect and authenticate microservices running within the service mesh.

Written in Rust, it should be lightweight and fast with a low footprint (initially Istio used Envoy but due to the xDS settings size it was replaced by a Rust component).

The configuration provided by the Istiod Control plane component to ztunnel is pushed using xDS(discovery service) API configuration settings.

After L4 connectivity was established using ztunnel and Istio-cni daemonsets on each node in the cluster, we can talk about L7 capabilities that are much more interesting for us as application owners.

The Istio-cni component is responsible to continuously detect which workloads pods are added to ambient mode and create and update iptables rules to run redirects for both directions (in and out) from these “ambient mode enabled” pods to node’s ztunnel agent.

The tunnel between “ztunnel” agents implement HBONE (HTTP Based Overlay Network Encapsulation) running on dedicated TCP port 15008 and uses mTLS and identity and authorization policies to send and receive traffic.

The identities of workloads are verified by using SPIFFE service identity format based on their service accounts (SPIFFE and SPIRE are also open-source projects under CNCF landscape):


Using L7 features we can get by creating a “waypoint” proxy (based on Envoy) component for each workload service we want to expose to other services.

The “waypoint” proxy provides us with the following things: L7 authorization policy, HTTP observability (metrics/logs/traces) and rich set of traffic management features like canary and more.

So, if we want to see the whole picture of Layer 4 and Layer 7 components:

While there are 2 scenarios:

App A pod can reach App B pod directly via “ztunnel” (with HBONE encapsulation) on Layer 4, or if App B haves a “waypoint” proxy created then it will be routed there, get the routing policies settings, and reach App B pod accordingly.

After we have understood all Istio Ambient components, let’s start implementing it on Azure Kubernetes service.

What does our Azure environment look like?

As we are running on private AKS clusters, that means the Kube API and our misc web/tcp services are exposed to internal network via Azure Private-Endpoints (PLE for short).

In general, our Ingress network topology usually looks like:

The so-called “network” subscription contains different network components (proxies, firewalls and WAFs) to implement routing policies to and from the corporate network and Azure workload resources.

This layer holds significance for us only in terms of PLE connectivity toward our Kubernetes resources exposed to end-users such as Kube API and web services ingress.

We will start by creating new AKS cluster on an existing resource group and vnet range of

$ az aks create -n aks-ambient -g test-rg -l eastus2 \
--max-pods 80 \
--network-plugin azure \
--generate-ssh-keys \
--enable-private-cluster \
--disable-public-fqdn \
--node-vm-size "Standard_D4s_v3" \
--node-osdisk-size "40" \
--node-count "2" \
--enable-managed-identity \
--enable-cluster-autoscaler \
--max-count 5 \
--min-count 1 \
--node-osdisk-type Managed \
--os-sku Ubuntu \
--nodepool-name systempool

Then we’ll get the credentials and implemented PLE to our AKS Kube API and now we can reach our cluster via the kubectl command line.

These are our AKS nodes:

$ kubectl get nodes -o wide
aks-systempool-14515445-vmss000000 Ready agent 9m55s v1.25.6 <none> Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS 5.15.0-1035-azure containerd://1.6.18+azure-1
aks-systempool-14515445-vmss000001 Ready agent 9m51s v1.25.6 <none> Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS 5.15.0-1035-azure containerd://1.6.18+azure-1

Our AKS namespaces:

$ kubectl get ns
default Active 12m
kube-node-lease Active 12m
kube-public Active 12m
kube-system Active 12m

Following Istio Ambient docs and checking its github for latest version, we run the following command:

$ kubectl get crd gateways.gateway.networking.k8s.io &> /dev/null ||   { kubectl kustomize "github.com/kubernetes-sigs/gateway-api/config/crd/experimental?ref=v0.6.2" | kubectl apply -f -; }

The following resources were added to CRDs:

customresourcedefinition.apiextensions.k8s.io/gatewayclasses.gateway.networking.k8s.io created
customresourcedefinition.apiextensions.k8s.io/gateways.gateway.networking.k8s.io created
customresourcedefinition.apiextensions.k8s.io/grpcroutes.gateway.networking.k8s.io created
customresourcedefinition.apiextensions.k8s.io/httproutes.gateway.networking.k8s.io created
customresourcedefinition.apiextensions.k8s.io/referencegrants.gateway.networking.k8s.io created
customresourcedefinition.apiextensions.k8s.io/tcproutes.gateway.networking.k8s.io created
customresourcedefinition.apiextensions.k8s.io/tlsroutes.gateway.networking.k8s.io created
customresourcedefinition.apiextensions.k8s.io/udproutes.gateway.networking.k8s.io created

These CRDs are added as Istio includes beta support for K8S Gateway API (created by K8S SIG Network community) and trying to make it the default API for traffic management in the future. Istio also supports using CRDs from different APIs (Istio and K8S Gateway) together.

Download the istioctl cli command tool:

$ wget https://github.com/istio/istio/releases/download/1.18.0-alpha.0/istioctl-1.18.0-alpha.0-linux-amd64.tar.gz
$ tar zxvfp istioctl-1.18.0-alpha.0-linux-amd64.tar.gz
$ cp istioctl /usr/local/bin/
$ istioctl version
no ready Istio pods in "istio-system"

We now want to add Istio Ambient components with an ingress controller, as we generally do with Nginx ingress controller installed with Helm.

On the Azure side it creates the “kubernetes-internal” load balancer in the “MC_<rg_name>_<aks_name>_<region>” resource group (in our case MC_test-rg_aks-ambient_eastus2) which exposes HTTP/HTTPS ports 80,443 for our web microservices.

Install Istio Ambient on AKS

$ istioctl install --set profile=ambient --set components.ingressGateways[0].enabled=true --set components.ingressGateways[0].name=istio-ingressgateway --skip-confirmation --set components.ingressGateways[0].k8s.service."loadBalancerIP=" --set components.ingressGateways[0].k8s.service.serviceAnnotations."service\.beta\.kubernetes\.io/azure-load-balancer-internal"=true

We provided an internal free IP address from our range as frontend IP for the "kubernetes-internal" load balancer and the serviceAnnotations will create the load-balancer resource on Azure side.

The Istioctl command runs the Istio Operator on background and we can verify our settings provided in the command line on the IstioOperator.install.istio.io CRD named “installed-state”.

enabled: true
enabled: true
- enabled: false
name: istio-egressgateway
- enabled: true
type: LoadBalancer
service.beta.kubernetes.io/azure-load-balancer-internal: true
name: istio-ingressgateway

If we see that there is a problem to create it, or to run the istioctl command with this service annotation, we can run a shorter command and modify the service manifest of “istio-ingressgateway” later.

$ istioctl install --set profile=ambient --set components.ingressGateways[0].enabled=true --set components.ingressGateways[0].name=istio-ingressgateway --skip-confirmation --set components.ingressGateways[0].k8s.service."loadBalancerIP="

The final service manifest of “istio-ingressgateway” should look like this one:

kind: Service
apiVersion: v1
name: istio-ingressgateway
namespace: istio-system
app: istio-ingressgateway
service.beta.kubernetes.io/azure-load-balancer-internal: 'true'
- name: status-port
protocol: TCP
port: 15021
targetPort: 15021
nodePort: 31893
- name: http2
protocol: TCP
port: 80
targetPort: 8080
nodePort: 30672
- name: https
protocol: TCP
port: 443
targetPort: 8443
nodePort: 30978
app: istio-ingressgateway
istio: ingressgateway
type: LoadBalancer
sessionAffinity: None
externalTrafficPolicy: Cluster
- IPv4
ipFamilyPolicy: SingleStack
allocateLoadBalancerNodePorts: true
internalTrafficPolicy: Cluster
- ip:

Please check that your “kubernetes-internal” load balancer was created and contains 3 rules that use port 80,443 and 15021 (Istio-ingress health-check port).

Also check that the pods are up and running quickly:

$ kubectl get pods -n istio-system
istio-cni-node-cfjjp 1/1 Running 0 9m
istio-cni-node-q7gpp 1/1 Running 0 9m
istio-ingressgateway-748bdc4999-gdddr 1/1 Running 0 9m
istiod-7596fdbb4c-hvd22 1/1 Running 0 9m
ztunnel-g58zp 1/1 Running 0 9m
ztunnel-k47q4 1/1 Running 0 9m

# same for our services
$ kubectl get svc -n istio-system
istio-ingressgateway LoadBalancer 15021:31893/TCP,80:30672/TCP,443:30978/TCP 9m
istiod ClusterIP <none> 15010/TCP,15012/TCP,443/TCP,15014/TCP 9m

After the “kubernetes-internal” load balancer (Istio Ingress controller) has been created successfully we can create a PLS (Private Link Service) and attach it to our load balancer “kubernetes-internal” frontend IP (in our case Then create a PLE to this PLS and approve it on PLS side.

The whole network chain should look as follows:

Azure Load Balancer “kubernetes-internal” settings:

Let’s check our Istio Ingress Gateway listener status:

# istioctl proxy-config listener istio-ingressgateway-748bdc4999-gdddr -n istio-system
0 ALL Cluster: connect_originate 15021 ALL Inline Route: /healthz/ready* 15090 ALL Inline Route: /stats/prometheus*

When it created the Istio Ingress Gateway, the only port that really listens to connections is TCP 15021 (health-check port); other ports 80,443 are not activated until Gateway resource is applied.

Note: if you want to clear all Istio resources, run the following command:

$ istioctl uninstall -y –purge

Part 2 of this article:

Useful links and references to pictures of Istio Ambient components:




“Istio Ambient Explained” book by Lin Sun & Christian Posta

Istio Ambient : Online free Course + lab by Solo.io

