Monthly Report — March 2022

ATTA Protocol
ATTA Protocol
Published in
4 min readApr 7, 2022

Here’s ATTA’s March 2022 Monthly Report for a recap of what has been happening around the project in the past month.

Major Achievement

Announced Official Partnership with BitKeep Wallet

  • We are excited to officially partner with BitKeep Wallet. Users can now download BitKeep Wallet App and search up ATTA to see the collections that we’ve launched in the past. We’ll continue updating the information and items on our profile page, please stay tuned.

Announced Official Partnership with Cornhub Wallet

  • We’re thrilled to officially partner with Cornhub Wallet. Together, we’ll march forward our project development and to better serve our users with various wallet options.

BD & Marketing

Co-Hosted an Exclusive Airdrop with Cornhub

  • As we partner with Cornhub, we also co-hosted an exclusive airdrop. Top 20 users with the most invites and 600 lucky users were able to receive rewards .

Attended the DeMix Panel on Twitter Space

  • We were invited to the DeMix Panel hosted by Delpha. Our Community Lead joined the Twitter Space and had a thoughtful chat with representatives from other projects on the topic of Web3 World.

AMA with MetraGrail

  • We conducted a cross AMA with MetaGrail, as they came to our community to introduce their project, we’re also invited to their community for a thorough AMA.
  • As we concluded the AMA in MetaGrail community, 3 users were able to receive one NFT each, and 3 users were able to share 10U.

AMA with ZKSpace

  • We conducted a cross AMA with ZKSpace. As we hosted the first AMA in February, we’re invited to their community for an AMA session in March.
  • As we concluded the AMA in ZKSpace’s community, 5 winners were able to share 100 USDT.

Website Update

  • Navigation Bar Optimization
  • ATTA Main Page Layout Adjustment
  • ATTA Main Page text and content Adjustment
  • Several bugs fixed

Community Event

Meme Contest

  • Our ambassadors initiated a meme contest in the community, where 30+ users participated and created many lovely memes. We appreciate the efforts that our community has put forward for our project.

Film Preference Survey

  • We supported our intern Cindy, who conducted a survey on web3 users film preference for her graduating thesis.
  • Over 300 users participated in the survey from English, Chinese, Thai, Vietnamese and Korean Community. 50 participants were able to share a 500U reward.

As we want to bring the best experience for our users, we’re working intensely on our product. In the next two months, we’ll continue to release more events, such as a Virtual Film Festival. More details to be released soon!

Thank you for supporting ATTA and please stay tuned for more excitement!

About ATTA

ATTA is a Web3 OGC+PUGC content protocol. We aim to build the next-generation content ecosystem with a Web3-native model to financialize OGC and PUGC content flow. We strive to supercharge content creators for the continued generation of hitting ideas while maximizing their business value.

We give users a simple product experience with three major functions at launch: video streaming, content curation, and an NFT Marketplace. ATTA will be governed under the power of ATTA DreamMaker DAO and veToken model.

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ATTA Protocol
ATTA Protocol

A Web3 OGC+PUGC Content Protocol Powered by ATTA DAO