

“Let’s get one thing straight - divorce is not an option in marriage issues. However, separation can be a powerful tool in keeping your marriage strong.

Don’t fall prey to the idea that divorce is the only solution to your marital issues. Instead, take control of your situation and consider the benefits of separation. It’s time to be assertive and take action to build a healthier, happier marriage and better society and the future.”

It’s important to note that some individuals may perceive the statement mentioned above as toxic, especially when it comes to addressing toxic issues in a marriage relationship. However, it’s crucial to focus on constructive communication and problem-solving to improve the relationship.

Certainly, here it is:
Can you imagine the possibilities that your marriage can work if worked on?

Can it work? Is a constant question ladened with fear of failures of the past and fears of the unknown future.

It's essential to reset your mind and approach your marriage with a willingness to work on it. Remember that just like you are special and unique, so is your marriage to your spouse. No two marriages will ever be the same, so it's important to focus on your journey and not compare it to others.

You might have heard people say that a wedding day is a joyous occasion, but it's the journey of complementary completions that makes a marriage union truly fulfilling. It takes effort and commitment to walk the talk and build a strong, happy relationship with your spouse. So, be prepared to put in the work and enjoy the journey of growing together with your partner.

Believe in the power of learning, practice, and implementation. Even if an idea is new or innovative, it can work if you are willing to put in the effort.

Consider your marriage as an example. You and your spouse may have started in uncharted territory, but by learning, practicing, and growing together, you have created something beautiful and unique. Keep moving forward with the same determination and optimism, and you can achieve greatness in all areas of your life.

Remember this always, it is what you believe in that you act upon. Your actions attest to your beliefs.

It is imperative that you comprehend the divine mathematical equation of one plus one equals one, and the significance of what the husband is to his wife as having the same similitude to what Christ is to His wife, the church, and His body, which compelled Him to give Himself for it. Only then will you realize why divorce must never be considered as an option in marriage, although separation could be.

Despite sin being the point cause of separation between man and God’s love, Christ Jesus remains an unwavering advocate for us. The ultimate proof of this is that He laid down His life for us while we were sinners.


He cared for us and loved us with everlasting love. That is why.

Loving one another is a divine commandment that carries immense benefits. To experience the fullness of God’s love for us, we must love each other as He has loved us. Let us embrace this call to love and open ourselves up to the blessings that come with it.

If you are a child of God, walk and work in His light and love now and always.

It is #HusbandAndWife Saturday.

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Here is the recipe for resolving your marriage crisis, get it now:https://Selar.co/937376

Enjoy your weekend.

🎍©#Ginuschuks Okonkwo


