

Happiness is your positive mood response to what happened or what did not happen.

Your reaction to what occurred, or what did not occur, is what determines your present positivity.

Did you know that happiness is all about how you react to the things that happen or don’t happen in your life?

It’s your positive emotional response that makes all the difference. So, always look for the silver lining and choose to be happy!

Thus, your emotional intelligence and emotional management are called into question to checkmate your emotional subjectivity in assessing circumstances and situations before responding.

Claim your happiness because it is your personal and powerful response to whatever occurred or failed to occur.

It is crucial to understand that your moods can significantly affect your overall health. As a result, you must take responsibility for maintaining positive and happy dispositions at all times. Remember, your mental and physical well-being depends on it.

To have a positive disposition and reaction always do the following:

Be determined to have a positive disposition and reaction at all times.

Be in charge of your emotions, explore and exploit emotional intelligence and emotional management.

Be aware and live in the consciousness of other people's perspectives on every issue of life.

Be aware of variables under your control and the limitations you have over variables beyond your control.

Set mini-max expectations in any and every relationship you are involved in. Lower your expectations from people to checkmate your disappointment with their actions and reactions to issues of life.

Always, remember that life happens and life will always happen but what, when, where, how, and to whom it will happen is the uncertainty about it.

As it is written: “For offenses must come but woe to that man by whom the offense comes.”
But, ‘Good sense makes one slow to anger and it is his glory to overlook an offense.”
It is #GratitudeFriday. I hope you are happy and hopeful for the first weekend of the year rolling in.

Happy New Year, Happy Weekend, And Enjoy Your Day.

Love, clap, comment, share, and follow me, Ginuschuks Okonkwo- Hyginus Okwuchukwu Okonkwo

Get this book for family bliss and peace,https://Selar.co/937376

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