


Your state of mind depicts the mood you wear even though some may attempt to mask theirs.

However, life is better without sadness and mood swings. A merry and fun-filled heart is loving and caring, joyful and peaceful. Even youthful your looks can be.

You can, you will, and you should endeavor to have such a fertile and fruitful heart to manage circumstances and situations within and around you for God's purposes in your life to be fulfilled. Wisdom demands that you add some emotional intelligence and management to your intelligence quotient to excel.

Have a joyful heart today for a better version of you to appear. You will and should be wa ooh on how great an amazing person that residences within you could be.


The best lines of your moods and feelings are full of emotions that words cannot express.

When your moods and feelings are appreciated they bring light and life to you, the bearer, and onlookers even to the hearers. When ignored they bring disappointments, heartaches, and pains.

Therefore, when next you see the desire and an admiring heart, be prepared to add meaning and acceptance to words expressed and even to the words implied. Live in awareness, and consciousness of other people’s mood swings and be willing to help out life and sustain meaningful living for others with each of your words to improve and season lives.

Remember, each of your words can make, mend or destroy someone out there; bearing in mind always that one who cannot preserve life cannot protect it. And if you can't preserve and protect life you are not deserving of having life.

Therefore, be a ready and willing heart that is always on alert to use his/her words meaningfully to help others.

Be cheerful; be positive; and welcome to midweek reflections with a heart full of gratitude.

P. S. Share your mood with us today and cheer up as you log into God's divine will and purpose for you to impact and influence lives.

🎍©#Ginuschuks Okonkwo


