

Ignoring your parenting duties due to financial constraints is not an option! It’s crucial to understand that neglecting your responsibilities as a parent can have severe consequences on your child’s well-being and future. So, let’s take charge of the situation and find ways to make parenting affordable without compromising on our kids' needs. Let’s explore all the options and make sure we are fulfilling our duties as responsible parents.

The cost of not prioritizing the proper upbringing of our children and wards is simply too high to overlook. Let us not sacrifice their future by neglecting their present.

Investing in education is essential, regardless of the cost. It is better to avoid ignorance and invest in oneself and one’s children to meet our expectations. It is through education that we can achieve our goals and help our children succeed in life.

Parenting is a huge responsibility that starts from the time of conception and continues until early adulthood. It requires more than just investing time and resources from the parents, teachers, and child caregivers. It demands a deep commitment from everyone involved to ensure the well-being and growth of the child.

To create a well-rounded individual, a comprehensive approach to training is necessary. This includes spiritual, mental, emotional, physical, academic, and social development. Unfortunately, it is common to see academically successful individuals who struggle with social skills and do not fit in well with society.

It is becoming common to see children who lack spiritual understanding despite being socially and academically advanced. This situation raises questions about who is responsible for such a scenario. It is similar to having a child who refuses to speak his or her mother tongue. The analogy begs the question of why a language should be called a mother tongue if one is not proud of it or cannot speak it.

Investing in proper parenting of children and wards is crucial for the betterment of ourselves, children, and society. The values and culture that parents instill in their families today serve as the foundation for the future families of their children and wards. As guides and forerunners, parents, guardians, teachers, and child caregivers have a divine responsibility to prepare the ground for the future of their children’s and wards' families.

You have been called to this place before your children, and it is not a mistake. This is a duty that you have been deemed worthy of, so it is important to be prepared to perform it well. Make sure to take the necessary steps beforehand to ensure that you are ready to fulfill your duty.

It is #ParentingTuesday.

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Enjoy your day.

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