

The bond between individuals that transcends genetics is rooted in the deep and meaningful emotion of love. It is a connection that is nurtured and strengthened through the deeds of kindness that we show to one another.

These acts of kindness can take many forms, both big and small, from a simple smile or a kind word to more elaborate gestures of generosity. Sometimes, kindness is expressed openly and directly, while at other times it is implied through the way we treat and interact with one another.

Nonetheless, the power of kindness to build and strengthen relationships cannot be overstated. It is the foundation upon which lasting and meaningful connections are built, and it is the key to unlocking the full potential of the human spirit.

Have you not wondered about the time and effort spent in learning and teaching a child how to do good but all to no avail? Have you not been disturbed that a child you spent so much on count not and care not about you?

Very painful, right?

As it is a pain to you, so it is to God.
It was when a man could not help himself out of his battered and bruised state in the hands of Satan the devil that God fulfilled His prophecy about the seed of a woman that would bruise Satan's head in Christ Jesus. That was the greatest price of love that announced the rebirth to as many as have accepted, believed, and confessed the Lordship of Christ Jesus over their lives.

It is the same kind of love that you are commanded to extend to your neighbor- that person next to you or in your proximity. You are expected to be that good Samaritan of the biblical reference to your neighbor always whether convenient or not.

It is often not convenient but it is a call and commandment that demands your obedience as a justification of whom you abide, follow, and fellowship with.

Remember, no person gives what he/she does not possess. Therefore, possess love to portray love. Christ is love personified. Abide in Him to be able to bring forth His fruits in you. Amen🙏

Parents, guardians, teachers, and child caregivers it is your spiritual responsibility to pass this on to your children and wards through your actions and conduct before them. You are the living epistles of your children and wards read daily.

It is #ParentingTuesday, #ChildTraining, and or #ChildRearing.

Hit me with your comments, share this post, and follow me, Ginuschuks Okonkwo- Hyginus Okwuchukwu Okonkwo

Enjoy your day.

Get this book. It is good for you and your family. See my profile for the link to it and purchase it.

🎍©#Ginuschuks Okonkwo


