

The Call

You are called and charged to be the salt of the Earth and the light of the world. It is in your thoughts through actions that you will decide and choose whether to answer the call or not. It is the response you give that will determine whether you are a vile or virtuous person.

Vile is cheap but in the end costly to follow. It is cheap because you pay nothing to have nothing. It simply entails yielding to anything and everything as dictated by the fallen nature of man.

In the end, vile is very costly because it means that you are neither the salt of the earth nor the light of the world. It means that you cannot season lives or preserve lives. You simply cannot illuminate lives. You are good for nothing and in the end worthless to be associated with.

On the other hand, virtue is valuable and does not come cheap. Virtue is sacrificial and demands commitment from you to maintain a just course in life for lives. It demands that you remain, retain, and maintain your functional best in alignment with others for your good and others to the glory of God.

What Virtues Are You Bequeathing Your Children?

Family values are the virtues you would want your family members to be remembered for and that you would want them to hold onto at all times.

Remember that until such values are internalized into their subconscious minds, they can be superficially hypocritical. So, the power of example is the easiest way of driving it in and home in their lives.

When I was growing up I was repeatedly told never to pick or use somebody's things or property without the person's express permission.

I grew up in a rural setting and communal living was the order of the day. So, when I entered secondary school which was also in my village I was strictly warned never to take someone’s items without the person’s permission. Then, 'tapping’- petty stealing -was prevalent among the students so you could hardly have had your mathematics set instruments intact for long.

Also, I grew up carefree thinking that other people were strictly having and obeying the exact instructions I heard from my aging parents as I was a child of their old age.

However, I was wrong because mid-way into my first term I had lost almost all the instruments of my mathematics set. When I complained to my mother who was not educated but longed so much for my education, she told me never to join the multitude to do evil no matter how little that might seem.

She volunteered to buy a new mathematics set as long as I did not join the thieves as she would like to harshly address those that specialized in 'tapping' her baby's mathematics set instruments then.

Thus, in the five-year program of the secondary school of my days, I ended up using not less than ten mathematics sets because I was a science student and relatively careless too. Some of the mathematics sets I had to buy from my savings which I had from the sales of baskets I was making then.

The same virtue instilled and internalized in me then has been handy and helpful to me in the last 26 years as a custodian of people's wealth- at its micro level despite challenging moments in the course of discharging my duties.

Therefore, I call on parents to be deliberate, consistent, and purposeful in instilling and internalizing the very virtues they would want in the lives of children and their family members starting first with themselves.

Then comes the question,

What is one family value and virtue instilled and internalized in you that you are passing on to the generation next?

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I wish you a blissful and peaceful home.

Enjoy your day.

🎍©#Ginuschuks Okonkwo

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