Your perceptions and perspectives matter


Green represents life

Life Means Different Things To Different People According To The Different Levels Of Our Light And Life Exposures.

Where there is light, there is life.

Green represents life. And where there is light, there is life.

  • Life becomes meaningful when we start living with awareness and consciousness of the unlimited potential residing within us, and purposefully live by it. This is what the author refers to as his preferred coinage for life.
    Our level of knowledge, understanding, and wisdom is contingent upon the amount of light we are exposed to and how much of it we allow to shape our perspectives.
    Human potential is limitless and infinite, as we gain knowledge and understanding in fragments over time. However, omniscience is a divine quality that only belongs to the Almighty God.
The Rays of His Presence


  • Life Generally Is Bigger Than Any Meaning We Can Ascribe To It Because Our Existence Starts From The

