

These chosen words are
musing because of the complexity of man and his/her nature.

The generic man by his or her composition is a three-dimensional being with a chance possibility of becoming a fourth-dimensional by choice.

The meaning man has of his or her dimensional state has a lot of impact, influence, and implications on the understanding and wisdom with which he/she approaches the words in focus here: love, friendship, marriage, and life.

My meaning of these words finds expression in the description of myself as an instinctive writer who gives spontaneous responses that are in alignment with my background and beliefs.

Love is a deed of kindness that first finds its expression in us and through us, as determined by the much of it we received or otherwise during our lives formative years from our significant others.

This is why the absence of love in anyone's life generates much distorting and disturbing background noise especially in the family settings and in society.

Friendship is a definition and expression of our rational and relational nature whereby we rationally relate to connect and communicate for effective and efficient procreation, productivity, progression, and profitability.

Marriage is a union of two that birth procreation and continuity of human existence. It is a divine infusion of two to generate oneness devoid of competitive comparisons but thrives in Complementary Completions Relationship that in the long run justifies the divine equation of one plus one equals one. This is the only mystery behind having a Blissful and Peaceful Home, and a Wonderful World.

Life will only make meaning to you and me if we only can reflect on where we start our lives. Every one of us started our lives in the spiritual realms. And because every one of our life events runs in a cyclical phenomenon, we are all bound to end our lives in the spiritual realms.

However, because of all that is visible in and within this our earthen vessels called our bodies are limited by our understanding of life as are dictated and determined by the degree of light we allow into us and have within us we tend to see and believe life as a mystery.

Our first key to understanding life is to acknowledge and appreciate the author of life and the owner of life, Lord God Almighty.

Next is for you and I to recognize that there are no two days that are the same even as there are no two persons that are the same. These things exist to justify the Mightiness of the Almighty God and His control over us.

Also, you should know that life runs in cumulative additives hence your actions- including reactions, inactions, counter actions, and actions - have trickle-down effects on you and others.

Therefore, you are called to be mindful and thoughtful of your thoughts through actions in making sure that you come up with your A-game thoughts, choices, decisions, and actions to create positive possibilities, opportunities, impacts, and influence with them.

Don't just only aim for your success but aim to be successful and significant in and with life through your thoughts through actions processes.

A generic man is a spirit with a soul and is warehoused in the earthen vessel called his body.

Man is a tripartite, systemic, rational, relational, and emotional being; and he is talking spirit with strengths and weaknesses with varied personality traits allowed by the Almighty God for him to align and leverage on one another to optimize his operations in his earthen vessel and on earth.

Man has a chance to further optimize his operations if he chooses to activate and develop his fourth-dimensional possibilities in Christ Jesus' Name.

To your fruitfulness and greatness, enjoy your day, and have a great week ahead.

Drop your views and comments in the comment section and follow me, Ginuschuks Okonkwo- Hyginus Okwuchukwu Okonkwo


