

In their work,"We Are Never Alone: Living with the Human Microbiota,"Gabriela Jorge Da Silva and Sara Domingues said,"The human body is inhabited by millions of tiny living organisms which all together are called the human microbiota. Bacteria are microbes found on the skin,in the nose, mouth, especially in the gut. We acquire these bacteria during birth and the first years of life,and they live with us throughout our lives."

These organisms are helpful for healthy growth, digestion, and mood regulation.
They can be harmful if we are not mindful and thoughtful of them to take good care of them.

In the same way, your relationships can be helpful or harmful depending on what you contribute or fail to contribute to making it work symbiotically.

The symbiotic relationship that makes each party in a relationship contribute maximally according to one’s capabilities in helping to complete others while benefitting too from it is human rather than a toxic/parasitic relationship.

Therefore, go ahead to make your relationship one of Symbiotic and Complementary Completions Relationship rather than Toxic/Parasitic Relationship that tend to fend and feed one party in a relationship at the expense of the other party.


Is Your Relationships Symbiotic Or Toxic/Parasitic?

IT IS CHILD'S TRAINING TUESDAY. Let your children/wards know that they too can make their relationship helpful or harmful.

Enjoy your day.
#Ginuschuks Okonkwo

Ginuschuks:centre for Promotional Services/life lessons Tips

