Tracking Covid-19 in India

Attentive AI Tech Blog
2 min readMar 25, 2020

Humanity is facing an unprecedented challenge today in the form of a Covid-19 pandemic. The spread of this virus has crippled, even annihilated in numerous cases, economic and social orders. As countries reel in panic and isolation in the wake of the massive spread of this virus, there is a massive outburst of digital content on social media and internet outlets.

In India, very often in many of these content, the fine line between true statistics and fake news is blurred. The consequences of false reports create more adversities during this crisis as the government and health agencies find it hard to gauge the extent and depth of the issue at hand for efficient administrative or health policy development. The misinformation leads to mass panic if numbers reported are too high or mass complacency if they are on the lower side of the actual figures.

Even if we get the numbers right, there is always the problem of comprehension and analysis. How do we make sense of the numbers? Which parameters are important? Knowing the trend is important, but how do we see a pattern in the data? Thus as we sit in quarantine from a viral epidemic, we are also left to deal with information chaos.

We at Attentive AI have recognized the severity of issues that false data and misrepresented statistics might have on how we handle this situation at both individual and social levels. This is why we have developed a real-time Covid-19 Tracking Dashboard for India that presents the latest, accurate information of the pandemic through meaningful and comprehensive visualizations.

This Dashboard is powered with information from India’s Ministry of Health and Family Welfare website. Overall numbers of Covid-19 infections are displayed along with a graph that shows the infection trend over a period of time. State-wise infection cases are also available along with a bubble map visualization. Important details and information about the pandemic are also available.

With this dashboard, we hope to provide a single reference that is easy to understand and thus help in creating a better and informed consensus on the disease in India. Do visit our Dashboard by clicking here for real-time, accurate and meaningful information around Covid-19.



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