Meet Beyazmin Jimenez, a Boston blogger and Freelance Writer

Allison Hufford
Published in
3 min readSep 12, 2018

This #WomenCrushWednesdays, we have the pleasure of interviewing a woman who’s found her life passion. No one loves writing like Beyazmin Jimenez!

Meet Beyazmin!

Describe your business. What is its main goal?

Beyazmin: Currently working as freelance writer. I have recently worked with Travelnoire, Female Travel, and collaborated with YW Boston. My work is shifting into a new direction so I am going with the flow!

My vision is to provide a voice for women of color and highlight topics that inspire and question the status quo while exploring intersectionality, inclusion, and social justice themes.

Why did you decide to become a female founder? What inspired you to start your business?

Beyazmin: I’m on the path to launching a new platform. I feel that women like me are often underrepresented across many industries, and I want to change that. We live in a diverse world and yet the media we consume does not reflect that.

I hope I can help change the narrative and move towards a new era that provides every woman of color with a space to feel like they are seen and valued.

Beyazmin’s passion is more than just writing — it’s creating a better world for women of color

What are the greatest challenges of founding your own business?

Time and finding balance! I work full time, which means my passion project is basically a 2nd job. I constantly have to remind myself to be patient with my process, and not take myself so seriously during this path.

There are a lot of unknowns and that can breed anxiety for me. When this happens, I tend to give myself a day or two to relax and let time pass before I dive deep again into my writing. It’s all a learning process.

How have your experiences as a female founder shaped you?

I have learned so much from my peers, and the wonderful women in my life who are also following their passion and fueling them into action. It is truly a very inspiring time to see how my peers and I are doing what we can to work together, and amplify our voices into meaningful work.

I am grateful to have a support system that constantly challenges me and inspires me to do better.

Beyazmin knows the true value of #WomenSupportingWomen!

Growing up, what were your goals in life? Did you ever imagine you’d create something like what you created?

When I was younger, I wanted to be a lawyer! I’ve always been obsessed with finding and exploring different points of view, and I felt that as a lawyer I’d be allowed to do that for my clients. Life took me in another route, and I currently work in housing advocacy.

In many ways, my vision did come into fruition as I work to ensure housing policies at the local and state level are fair to the most vulnerable populations. I’m proud of the career I chose, and through my writing I hope to explore more ways to humanize the aspects of my work that I care about.

What’s next for your business?

Many changes coming up, including the launch of a new platform. Stay tuned!

What advice would you give to the next generation of women and girls looking to make an impact?

Stay true to your voice! You have the power to do all that you wish if you stay true to your vision, and grounded in who you are.

#FemaleFounders give the best advice

Special thanks to Beyazmin Jimenez for sharing her amazing story!

We wish her best of luck with wherever her passions take her next! Stay tuned for next week’s #WomenCrushWednesdays ;)

