Start #AtTheTable in Your City!

Rica Elysee
Published in
3 min readFeb 26, 2018
Photo by Dave Lastovskiy on Unsplash

We had a great kickoff with our dinners in Boston and can’t believe how quickly this has grown — to the point where we’ve already started the launch into a few additional cities.

Now, we’re opening the gates to other cities to join us in building authentic communities for female founders.

What we want: The next 3 cities to join our movement!

Below are guidelines on how to launch #AtTheTable in your city (followed by a cohost application for those of you who are ready to get started).

Wonder Woman (

What does it take to put on #AtTheTable?

  • 1 or 2 founders ready to take on leadership because #AtTheTable is curated by female founders for female founders
  • 12 different female founders from diverse backgrounds and industries for each dinner. Expect 12–16 people to join, including the female founders, #AtTheTable organizers, and the evening’s host. If you look at 12 months of dinners, that’s over 144 female founders who will get a chance to attend at least one dinner over the course of the year.
  • 3–5 community partners with dynamic relationships with female founders in your city that would be interested in helping spread the word, invite founders to the table, and more.
  • 3–12 hosts who can host one or multiple dinners in their workspace or at a restaurant or other venue. Learn more about how to partner with #AtTheTable here.
  • Promotion! Promotion! Promotion!

How does HQ help execute the dinner?

  • We provide all marketing collateral for organizers
  • Handle logistics associated with the application, dinner, partnerships and resources
  • Access to our official social channels, including email marketing, Twitter promotion, and more
  • Our content partners spotlight the founders in your community nationally :)
Courtesy of

What is the process to apply to be an organizer?

  • Step 1: Complete our request form
  • Step 2: Short video interview with leadership team
  • Step 3: Check references
  • Step 4: Notification from HQ
  • Step 5: If chosen, online training with HQ
  • Step 6: We announce the city and — get to work!

How long does the whole process take to set up a city launch?

It should take 6–8 weeks depending on community partners that are involved.

If you do not choose our city this time can we reapply?

We will keep all applications on file for 6 months and will notify once expired to be able to apply again.

Is there a cost with starting it in my city?

No cost in terms of dollars but their will be a time investment while the city is being set up.

Ask Us More Questions | Apply to Be City Organizer| Join Our Mailing List



Rica Elysee

Founder & CEO of @BeautyLynk and Co-Founder of @atthetablehq