A Look Through Space and Back.

Rosie Moeller
Attic Scribbles
Published in
Nov 10, 2020


A poem of rapid visual travel.

Photo by Patrick Hendry on Unsplash

The deeper I look the bluer it becomes.

My eyes reach ever further.

Imagination takes over. Past the blue is black.

Pierced all over like the metal sieve in the cupboard are twinkling dots of light.

Those dots grow bigger.

Writhing balls of fiercest heat and power.

Each one in its place. Never out of place.

A piercing whistle.

My eyes dart.

A hawk finds its meal and plummets to the earth.

Poor wee creature.

The hawk is beautiful in its climb back into the blue.

A panting sound draws my eyes down.

Down into the golden brown eyes of a happy, smiling doggo.

Tongue hanging, spit dripping, love emanating from him like the fiery snaps of the distant suns.

Nothing in the world to do but cover that boy with the scritches he loves and watch him race around in pure joy.



Rosie Moeller
Attic Scribbles

I've done many things, lived in many places, had experiences that I share to give encouragement, hope and maybe help you to embrace the unique joy that you are.