
Lawyer Livia show you 3 steps to avoid scams! (ENG. Ver below)

Step 1. 不要輕易在FB、IG、YT上買東西








Step 2. 價差太大要注意!









Step 3. 選擇貨到付款較安心







Step 1. Don’t easily buy things on FB, IG, or YT.

When you’re happily scrolling through social media, be very cautious.

Scammers spend a lot on ads, use fake accounts to comment on attractive products, and even create elaborate schemes to make you believe them.

Clicking on these could lead you into a “one-page scam” trap, where what you order might just be an ad, and what you receive is nothing but air.

💡Tip: Avoid investing in such schemes!


Step 2. Watch out for big price differences!

“Customs confiscation auction!”

“Bringing back French goods at 90% off!”

These are all just “sales pitches”!

Think carefully, if it’s really a customs auction, why advertise it?

Those with insider information would have already cleaned it out. Similarly, if Chanel were really 90% off, why don’t rich people shop online instead of traveling abroad.

💡Tip: Google the original prices to compare!


Step 3. Choosing cash on delivery is safer.

If you can’t resist the temptation and. placing an order, at least don’t immediately hand over your hard-earned money! It’s best to opt for cash on delivery through a third party, like picking up at a convenience store. This way, if you discover it’s a scam, you can quickly get a refund.

While online purchases in our country may have a seven-day cooling-off period by law, scammers might already have blocked you from miles away!

💡Tip: Ordering via DM has no guarantee; your seller might be using a fake account!





French men didn’t scam me, but the French weather sure did freeze me! 🥶




Lawyer Chu 朱韻婷律師
Attorney Chu’s point of view

FB:朱韻婷律師:下班後,來聊法律韻事~ 擁有Georgetown Law及公法碩士的雙語律師、世界百大半導體科技業前法務、黑心油及釋憲案律師、紐約法院及紅圈所經歷、政府機關及企業法務。 Open to work: 晚間及假日諮詢、轉介律師、演講、翻譯、舉辦研討會及撰狀。chuattorney@gmail.com