
Possessing private videos of minors and secretly filmed videos is a crime.

(ENG. Ver below)


















主持人?復出? Are you serious?








Huang Zijiao(黃子佼), only hoped that his daughter could not be harmed by this man for the rest of her life.

The district attorney’s office recently decided not to prosecute Huang Zijiao’s sexual assault case, but the media reported that prosecutors found hundreds of private videos of women secretly filmed on his hard drive, including minors.

#metoo #sexualharassment

Prevention of Sexual Exploitation of Children and Juveniles Ordinance Article 39, item 1 (Taiwan law)

Those who possess sexual images of children or teenagers without justifiable reasons shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than one year, short-term detention, or a fine of not less than NT$30,000 but not more than NT$300,000, or both.

Not prosecuting sexual assault cases does not mean that they are not guilty. It is just because the judicial agencies can only handle cases based on evidence over time.

But if host Huang continues to purchase these indecent videos after the suicidal incident, it is really sick!

“XX belongs to XX, OO belongs to OO”

I often hear people use this sentence to distinguish a person’s evil deeds from his achievements.

But the laws are designed to punish crimes that are intolerable to most people. Whether one can return to society depends on the severity of the crime and the suspect’s contact with the crowd.

Criminal Law, Article 91 — 1 existed when I was in law school: this article states that sex offenders are a disease that is difficult to cure. Even if the punishment is over, there is still a very high chance of committing the crime again. Therefore, he will still have to undergo compulsory treatment after serving his sentence.

Host again? Comeback ?

Are you serious?


That’s why so many people were outraged that Affleck’s younger brother won an Oscar.

#sexual harassment #settlement

That said, I never thought he was very good at hosting. Taiwan is not so short of talent.

Apparently, for him, other people’s daughters are not daughters.



Lawyer Chu 朱韻婷律師
Attorney Chu’s point of view

FB:朱韻婷律師:下班後,來聊法律韻事~ 擁有Georgetown Law及公法碩士的雙語律師、世界百大半導體科技業前法務、黑心油及釋憲案律師、紐約法院及紅圈所經歷、政府機關及企業法務。 Open to work: 晚間及假日諮詢、轉介律師、演講、翻譯、舉辦研討會及撰狀。chuattorney@gmail.com