律師, Are you married?



Written in English.

This is not a pickup line in the dating site, it is my interview question. Unfortunately, so many years have passed, even I am not a fresh graduate anymore, all those male supervisors still value my personal life more than my professional achievements. How many kids do you want?

Again, this is not the blind date question.

Once you answer the question, there will be more embarrassing questions waiting for you.

This is a trap. No matter you have a partner or not, they just want to know if you can’t work overtime or will take too much leave.

Of course, all by their “experiences” or assumptions.

You may not answer this if you feel uncomfortable.


Then why you even ask this improper question and target women only?

Finally, my answer to the question:

Why do you ask this question? (With my elegant smile behind the mask)

Normally, they will be stunned.

If they continue, I will say: I am a hardworking person and I will not let my personal life affect my career and vice versa.

To your surprise, I got hired instantly even I gave them the answer above. However, I just walked away.

Tell me about your thoughts, experience, or response.

I appreciate all your comments and let’s make some changes.




Lawyer Chu 朱韻婷律師
Attorney Chu’s point of view

FB:朱韻婷律師:下班後,來聊法律韻事~ 擁有Georgetown Law及公法碩士的雙語律師、世界百大半導體科技業前法務、黑心油及釋憲案律師、紐約法院及紅圈所經歷、政府機關及企業法務。 Open to work: 晚間及假日諮詢、轉介律師、演講、翻譯、舉辦研討會及撰狀。chuattorney@gmail.com