“Captured via SHARE button”

Matt Hawkins
Attract Mode
Published in
8 min readApr 15, 2018

Behold the latest from fellow Attract Mode Collective member, as well as fellow video game zinester, Cory Schmitz (via his Twitter)…

… Cory had copies for sale at MoCCA last weekend! Which I didn’t go to, am kicking myself over.

I also missed out on LIKELIKE’s Citizen Canine exhibition, which also means I missed out on Woof3d, a “pettable mod” of Wolfenstein 3D. One that scores bonus point for utilizing an eMac, aka the second best CRT-based Mac that Apple produced (just under the G3 All-In-One; via @likelikearcade)…

So what did you miss last week? Well, nothing when it comes to Attract Mode’s Twitter account after I’m done!

Actually, just realized that I’m still a week behind. So… in case you missed anything the week before last…

Yet another thing I missed was the opening of VIDEO GAME TOKYO. Though given that Tokyo is considerably further away from NYC than Pittsburg, I think I have a valid enough excuse (via @caluk_CLK)…

… Anyhow, the selection of apparel is up my alley to an almost absurd degree…

@TanookiKuribo sez: “I love that Sears seemed to have only 1 piece of Mario promo art and used it for 10 years.” And I say: if an’t broke, don’t fix it…

I myself love how these flyers from the 80s are such relics of that time that they verge on parody (via dangerousminds.net)…

I also love how even folks in Nintendo commercials are the subject of fan art (via @pepe_salot)…

… For reference, here’s the (not as high quality as the one seen on Twitter) YouTube version of the inspiration…

“based on a Real Dream my gf had” (via lydiafama)…

A truly superb pair of Zelda CD-i animated gifs (via obscurevideogames)…

Speaking of pairs, here’s an old strategy RPG that’s part Famicom game & part board game (via theassortment)…

Back to wanting to visit Japan; yet another reason is the upcoming exhibition that the Museum of the Preowned Games Collections, which I’ve previously written about, is throwing next month (via miki800.com)…

If there was some kind of committee dedicated towards excellence in photography of old Famicom carts, they would surely honor @thegaygamer

At long last, a decently clear & sized look at the box art for Raid on Bungeling Bay for the C64 (the NES version has stuff cut off; via vgjunk)…

And who says shmups don’t have deep storylines (via arcadezen)…

For whatever reason, I have a thing for the flyer for Gigandes (via shmups)…

I wanna live in a world in which that cancelled Super Famicom shmup starring Christopher Columbus actually came out & was so successful that it led to a Parodius-esque spin-off (via videogamesdensetsu)…

I also want a game in which Wario & Waluigi are hipster douches that are subjecting the Mushroom Kingdom to its greatest threat yet: gentrification (via jamiemgreenart)…

I know others might feel differently, but I kinda want to see Mega Man X rebooted and looking like this (via it8bit)…

Though I’m confident most will approve of this Persona X Animal Crossing mash-up (via starbot)…

It would appear that someone REALLY wants Persona X Metal Gear to happen… specifically a character within P3 (via kermitpurple)…

Like many others, am wondering when Armored Core X Dark Souls will become a reality (they’re both by the same devs, after all; via @MONO73004236)…

If Sega was willing to let Christian Whitehead take the reins of Sonic The Hedgehog, then surely they can let Joakim Sandberg have a go with Monster World, right? (via konjakonjak)…

Please enjoy this compilation/comparison of the notorious face-melting scene from every version of Madou Monogatari I (except for the Mega Drive’s; via jellipuddi)…

Can you identify all the game hardware in this anime screenshot? (via anthony10000000)

And can you identify the star of Fantasy Zone in this anime gif? (via enjoy-the-manga)

Am not familiar with Game Center Arashi, but if some old anime is good enough to justify a figure some 36 years later… especially when it’s some guy rather flamboyant means of playing an arcade game… I’m interested (via miki800.com)…

Whereas I am familiar with High Score Girl, and have been eyeballing these phone straps for quite some time now (via miki800.com)…

It’s a Rockman toy, about the size of a capsule toy, interacting with an even smaller capsule toy machine replica (via miki800)…

If Sega’s not gonna make any Panzer Dragoon merch, sometimes you just gotta make it yourself (via pipedreamdragon)…

Sure you’ll soon be able to create accessories for the Switch out of cardboard… or you could make them out of Lego pieces right now…

It’s funny cuz it’s true (via lunaticobscurity)…

The simplest jokes are sometimes the best jokes (via distinguishedbaloney)…

Why did it take this long for someone to make this joke (or for me to see it; via b3ta.com)…

@RatCasket asks: “who did this. and why.”

… The best answer, btw: “Someone who didn’t like Shovel Knight (which doesn’t use pixel-perfect character positions).”

And now you know (via cannotunsee)…

@DAIROCKETTO states: “this is definitely one of the most powerful images”

Additional advice worth following (via mendelpalace)…

At long last, Bowser’s back has been exposed…

… BTW, been a fan of Boundary Break ever since they broke Animal Crossing’s boundaries (via pizzaback)…

Serious question: I wonder how many Sonic fans out there was turned out by the time he got swollen, early into his Archie Comics run? (via sonicthehedgeblog)

Time to wind down this short & sweet (compared to weeks past) Twitter recap with something I ended up partaking in last weekend: WrestleMania. Like many others, I got in the mood by fantasy booking my own super card, via the create-a-wrestler mode (via mysterious0bob)…

Though the ultimate fantasy would be playing a WWE game by the devs responsible for the now legendary GBA port of Street Fighter 3 Alpha (via @christinaskyles)…

Originally published at blog.attractmo.de.

