Cat Girl’s Fighting Business Is My Famicase Game Of The Year 2020

Matt Hawkins
Attract Mode
Published in
4 min readMay 8, 2020

It’s also my first post while on summer break! Oh yeah, not sure if I mentioned it before, but I recently started grad school.

Am pursuing a MLIS, aka a Masters in Library and Information Sciences, to learn the tricks of the trade as it pertains to being a real deal archivist and historian, which I will naturally apply towards the subject of video games; contrary to what you may have heard, simply collecting titles on eBay or some warez repository and repeating facts that others dug up on your YouTube channel ain’t enough, sorry kids.

So being back to school is the latest excuse as to why this blog seemingly be left to wither on the vine. Yet there are other changes afoot, which I won’t go into now… let’s just say that Attract Mode is kind of a key component of my plans going forward, so get ready.

Anyhow, my break ain’t very long, I’ve got summer classes, which start in less than two weeks, so there’s no time to waste, cuz it’s also that time of the year in which I pick of fave Famicase designs.

As stated last year, and the one prior, I’ve become the hard to impress type, but I was able to once again find 25 out of the class of 2020 that I find to be above average. Here’s the other 24…

… I’m sure at least one of the artists has produced IRL packaging for their totally fake game, though I’ve been so busy that I haven’t been on Twitter as much later. If I do see something… provided it’s for one the designs I chose… I’ll be sure to update this post!

Oh, also in years past, I’ve either gone over what else I’ve tweeted (my output on that end has increased dramatically, yet I’ve done little in the ways to keeping track, something that I just can’t think about right now) or promoted something else I have going on. And since it’s too early to discuss the next installment of Cineville at Wonderville (which truly has nothing to do about video games), I’ll instead share what I treated myself to, for surviving a particularly grueling semester of grad school…

Originally published at

