Cineville Presents What Could Be The Flying Luna Clipper’s Very First Screening Outside Of Japan

Matt Hawkins
Attract Mode
Published in
2 min readAug 16, 2019

Am pulling no punches with the sophomore installment of Cineville, aka the new monthly film series that explores the eccentric side of video game cinema that I’m the programmer of at Wonderville

So what better way to say goodbye to summer than taking a flight on The Flying Luna Clipper? It’s without question one of my absolute favorite finds on the behalf of this site; here’s part one and part two of my overview.

Since then I’ve taken any opportunity to introduce it to friends, and I’m happy to report that every single one has fallen in love; Ikko Ono’s cinematic masterpiece that was entirely produced on MSX computers, and which was eventually discovered on a LaserDisc in a secondhand shop never fails to put smiles on faces.

Hence why I’m so excited to see it projected on a big screen, inside a Brooklyn indie arcade no less, and one that’ll hopefully be packed with people! Yes, we provide seating for the movie… which is a question someone asked re: last month’s screening of eXistenZ.

Oh, and as noted last time, I’ve been doing a lot of research behind this obscurest of video game cinematic obscurities… and I hope to discuss my finding that evening as well! Which includes… a sequel? But I’m getting ahead of myself… come join us on August 26, at 8:30pm; Wonderville’s address is 1186 Broadway, Brooklyn, NY, 11221. And just like last time: this is a free event!

Originally published at

