Love Hultén Is Back On Track With The FC-PVM

Matt Hawkins
Attract Mode
Published in
2 min readAug 23, 2019

I’ve discussed the Swedish craftsman with an affinity for placing classic gaming hardware in super stylish (often wooden) enclosures on occasion… mostly on Twitter.

And the last time I brought up Love Hultén, it was in a somewhat dismissive manner. But his latest, the FC-PVM, is an absolute home run.

For starters, we finally have classic games running on the only type of display that truly does them service, that being a Sony Trinitron. A PVM-9042QM to be exact.

The genuine Famicom components is the focal point with this particular all-in-one, which the housing clearly reflects. Though the true stars of the show, IMHO, are the genuine wireless Famicom controllers.

In a previous effort, the Pyua, which was a “conceptual tribute to Nintendo”, you had a Nt mini pcb from Analogue running games that one played with what appeared to be original NES controllers that were outfitted with 8BitDo’s Mod-Kit.

But here, original Famicom controllers are outfitted with some other method… it’s not too crazy to think that Love Hultén somehow worked with 8BitDo on this.

BTW, the last time anyone else did anything close was with the original Analogue Nt, which itself contained NES/Fami guts… specifically the ultra rare Famicom Limited Edition that had original Fami controllers, which were modified to have NES-esque connectors, and that I once featured in a rundown of Game Culture Snapshots (remember those)…

It’s quite the extra mile; if anything, Love Hultén could have simply gotten their hands on 8BitDo’s earliest efforts, perhaps their absolute first product, the FC30. Which was also featured in an earlier Game Culture Snapshots recap; I seem to recall Nullsleep stating that it was the absolute best controller he had ever encountered, which is why I ended up getting three myself…

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