The Lost Arcade Has (Finally) Found Its Way To (Cineville At) Wonderville

Matt Hawkins
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Published in
2 min readJun 26, 2020

I said it before… nearly four years ago in fact… and I’ll say it again: The Lost Arcade is simply the best filmed documentary on the subject of video games that I have seen. Period.

For those who haven’t had a chance to check it out yet, you’re in luck! Because it’s the June 2020 installment of Cineville at Wonderville! Yup, I’m not quite done with video game-adjacent films on that end after all…

Not only am I supremely delighted to finally present the movie, but so is Wonderville co-founder Mark Kleeb; The Lost Arcade was the very first thing he suggested when I began my role as film programmer for his indie art-cade and event space nearly a year ago. So it’s been a longtime coming!

Alas, The Lost Arcade’s value as a snapshot of a city that is longer what it once was has only increased since its debut. Here’s a favorite scene, which I’d use as a prompt to ask folks if they remember Gem Spa’s modest assortment of arcade games…

But now I’ll need to ask folks if they remember Gem Spa, period. It’s yet another small business that was on the chopping block due to strip mallification of the neighborhood, though COVID-19 was what ultimately signed the death certificate.

So pour an egg cream out for Zoltar if you can. Alas, I haven’t been able to make it downtown, for obvious reasons, to Veselka, which is the only other place in the area that serves them (that I know of). But until then, join us this Monday, June 29th at 9:00PM EST on Twitch! With an encore showing immediately after… plus I believe the director will be in attendance?

Originally published at

