Turning Into “Gameboy Oscillator Radio” To Evoke A “Shadow Memory”

Matt Hawkins
Attract Mode
Published in
2 min readOct 20, 2020

With a title like “Wii Shop Channel but it contacts the upside down”, you’d expect the above would be spooky, but it actually slaps, as the kids say today (was originally going to call it a banger, but I already look too old as is).

Also, say hello to my latest favorite random person who I stumbled upon the internet (I have no idea how; more than likely he’s a friend of someone in racer trash): Dakota Hill.

As you’ve just seen (and heard), Dakota takes video game audio from primarily Game Boys (the Wii above is the lone exception thus far) and feed it into devices like the Fender Blender and Moog Chorus, which I honestly don’t know much about. Other than how they do an amazing job of breathing new life into Pokemon audio…

Okay, here’s the closest thing we have available, for those who want something “spooky”

But what I find most fascinating with Dakota’s work falls under the “Gameboy Oscillator Radio”, in which the audio is accompanied by objects containing old memories.

Like this one, which features photographs in a format that’s somewhat the norm when considering the Game Boy format as a whole…

What really made me take notice of Dakota’s handiwork is this video that features footage from his parents’ secret elopement in Hawaii, 25 years ago (according to the accompanying Instagram post), via the original Super 8 tape I’m betting…

And here we have photographs in their more traditional format, being shot by the same camera as before, I’m also betting, and directly fed into the TV +VCR combo from before as well…

On Dakota’s website is a section for his various projects, and you’ll find “shadow memory”, some kind of gallery installation that might have served as the launching point of “Gameboy Oscillator Radio”, or that’s my best guess at least…

Another project that caught my eye was “nes studies”, which is an “discovered” unreleased rom hack of SMB from McDonald’s that’s in the vein of All Night Nippon Super Mario Bros

