When Cats & Dogs & Video Games Collide

Matt Hawkins
Attract Mode
Published in
7 min readSep 13, 2018

Meet Zelda, a cat owned by a fellow who goes by “Silent K” on Instagram. She appears to be totally captivated by her owner’s Wii. Perhaps she too has noticed the Homebrew Channel on the system menu and is wondering what he’s using it for?

One can also only imagine what’s going through her head as she encounters her Wii Fitdoppelganger…

On the flip side, we have the one belonging to my buddy Colin, who apparently could give a rat’s ass about her owner trying to enjoy a game…

Meanwhile, check out Paul Robertson’s contribution for the previously mentioned Press Pawsart opening, as spotted by Mike

As for you dog lovers out there, who aren’t necessarily fond of felines (and therefore are possibly pissed about the cat replacing the iron in Monopoly; the robot totally got screwed, btw), here’s another piece, aptly titled “Dog of War”. [EDIT] Mike informs me that the actual title is “Sit, Kratos, Sit. Good Dog”

Have you heard of Bobby Beast & His New Friends, the comic published entirely via Instagram? Well meet the latest addition to the cast, 1-UP Pup…

Not sure if it’s abundantly clear by now, but just in case: welcome to the latest round up of random game related imagery found on Instagram. Now that the introduction is out of the way; we just had a blizzard in the northeast portion of the US and was really hoping for something to share from that end. But alas, got nuthin.

Instead, here’s a pic from a little while ago, courtesy of Stu Brett, of a snow covered electrical box that’s been given some personality…

Sticking to the very loose theme here, it’s Shaun Hatton enjoying a nice cup of hot chocolate…

And here’s Israel Sundseth enjoying some white powder, with a similarly styled board…

Plus a friend of Emmett’s playing Journey; her partner just drew a heart for her in the snow. Isn’t that the cutest?

Elsewhere, in Cali, is Karen Chu. In a part that doesn’t appear to get much snow, which is fine for her, since he’s an avid runner. One who also likes to dress up; here she is as Fix-It Felix from Wreck-It Ralph

So I know this girl, Jennie, who likes to cosplay. A lot. Here she is as Strawberry (on the right), a member of Bizarre Jelly, the fictional anime in No More Heroes

Related note: a Sailor Moon cosplayer playing Street Fighter 2, courtesy of POLStyle…

Simon Parkin recently came across some shop selling a Super Mario outfit. In the scariest way possible…

As Douglas E. Sherwood proves, you know a game has officially made it when it’s being used as part of some wacky pro-religious propaganda…

Remember that super sexy Dreamcast messenger bag from last time? Well Kaitlin Stewart, as part of her 365 Days of Video Games Fashion initiative, recently showed off the Mega Drive/Dreamcast variant…

Rob Schmuck Vectrex collection is almost complete, thanks to this latest acquisition. I love this box art to an almost irrational degree…

Related: the following, via Aaron Meyers, is another bitter reminder of how the selection was at my local Funcoland while growing up. I never had access to cool games like these (though admittedly, their SNES library ended up being not so bad)…

Another pic from Shaun, showing off his Sword & Sworcery vinyl (lucky bastard)…

As Ted states: “Pixel Pizza is not happy about this oven.”

Not sure about you, but thanks to Lamar’s make over, Mega Man has never looked better! And it’s not easy to pull of the purple and yellow combo…

And here’s a manga that Lamar was recently reading, called High Score Girl. Apparently: “The art’s ok but there’s drawings of video games in it”

Joel, a buddy of mine from my indie cartooning days, has been posting doodles like crazy. Check out Samus, before and after (her suit upgrades)…

Grace recently previewed a bunch of things she’s currently working on (“LSDJ Girl” is for the upcoming ULTRANIMBOY zine)…

She was also lucky enough to recieve a few copies of Rodney Greenblat’s PaRappa The Rapper comics. You wouldn’t believe how way cool chill he is, to the point that you’re almost certain that he’s high the entire time (on life, of course)…

There’s a good chance that you might be familiar with the work of my pal Bryan Green. He does paper foldables based upon all kinds of things, including games…

Just the other weekend was the Global Game Jam, where all kinds of awesome things were made in just 48 hours. Like The Seerer And The Worm by Dominique Ferland

It would appear that Renaud worked on it as well?

Time for another polygonal athlete, all glitched out, cuz he’s extreme. This one’s from Lasmin(whose working on Super Beatdown Academy, which you might recall from a while ago)…

On a somewhat similar vibe, Timothy Caraballo tried posting a pic of a Dreamcast and “something” happened (looks cool tho)…

Somewhere, near Calvin Wong’s stomping grounds, is a place to get your hair done called Uppercuts. It’s “right next to round houses realty”

May as well as see what SWERY is up to! He’s actually been touring the world, promoting Deadly Premonition: The Director’s Cut. And while California, he apparently went here a whole lot. Can you blame him?

And here’s SWERY with a cat…

Has anyone seen that new original series on Netflix Instant, the one starring Kevin Spacey? As James Mielke noticed, it has a totally random PlayStation Vita mention (hey, that thing needs all the exposure it can get)…

The Toy Fair is happening right now in NYC; was there yesterday and found a few cool things, but nothing game related to share. Maybe next time. In the meanwhile, check out this awesome diorama of Metal Gear Rex being assembled that “ketta_gg” spotted in Akihabara a few weeks back…

And here’s a character from Robotics;Notes, which is a visual novel turned video game turned manga turned anime. Basically, everything revolves heavily around tablet computers; I covered the game quite a bit for GameSetWatch, back in the day…

As for what I’ve been playing as of late, lots of Tokyo Crash Mobs for the 3DS! Which I like to describe as the perfect mix of Magnetica/Zuma and Mulholland Drive (okay, that’s not ENTIRELY accurate)…

So I was watching the K-Pop music awards the other night (it’s a long story), and this one guy hit the stage with the awesomest attire ever. Kinda looked like M Bison if someone chose his alternate pink color…

K, one last pic: it’s of Vincent Gallo standing in front of Konami’s Track & Field arcade game from a Japanese book on photography. Enjoy…

Originally published at blog.attractmo.de.

