Attraction Marketing Boot Camp: Day 2 — Reading Your Prospects’ Minds

How To Get Google, Facebook & YouTube To Tell You Who is Ready To Join Your Business or Buy Your Products!

“The more you help people get what they want, the more you will get what you want.”

Zig Ziglar, Sales Trainer & Motivational Speaker

Watch The Day 2 Video Lesson Below…

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Watch Day 2 Video Lesson Above & Then Read Text Below:

My Jamaican cousin Jimmy was telling me a story of how one Saturday morning he woke up to somebody knocking on his door. He puts on his robe and was greeted by a salesperson with a box of frozen goods.

The salesperson was dress sharply, had a big smile, and spoke faster than a hurricane (how typical right?) Apparently, on this beautiful Saturday morning, he was trying to sell what he claimed to be “top-of-the-line” steaks to my cousin.

My cousin was a bit groggy, a little hungover and not very coherent yet… so he just couldn’t manage to get rid of the annoying salesperson. No matter what excuses Jimmy came up with to NOT want to buy the steaks, the salesperson would quickly brush that aside.

Jimmy’s Mexican wife, Margarita, not sure what the commotion was all about, finally got herself out of bed, put on a robe and came downstairs.

She quickly analyzed the situation, saw that Jimmy was having a hard time getting rid of the salesperson, and did the one thing that finally worked.

She asked, “Are the steaks kosher?”

Lo-and-behold they weren’t! So she said, “I don’t want them.”

With that, the salesperson left. He just wasted 30 minutes of his time which cut into his profitability. (Heck, I didn’t even know my Jamaican Cousin & His Mexican Wife were Jewish! lol)

Not only did the salesperson tick off my cousin and his wife (for waking them up Saturday morning) but he committed the one mistake that 90% of businesses make in their marketing…

Know Your Target Market!

See, the salesperson did the one thing many businesses do — especially within the realm of network marketing. He did NOT study his market (obviously his timing was bad too… nobody likes to be woken up from bed Saturday morning).

He had no idea whom he was talking to. He had no idea of the residents of the house. He rang the doorbell of persons who would not have the slightest interest in what he had to offer — steaks. (Or that he’d be talking to Jewish Jamaican Mexicans!)

He was blindly marketing to random folks with the hope that they would buy. He had no idea if my cousins were even meat-eaters (try selling steaks to a vegetarian)!

Had he done his research, he would’ve completely skipped Jimmy’s residence in favor of the carnivore two doors down who wakes up early Saturday morning to hunt and kill, small animals to eat!

And guess what? He probably would’ve made a sale.

How To Find Your Perfect Customer

When you are marketing your business opportunity, you always want to have an idea as to whom you are targeting. You have to figure out who would realistically be interested in your products and/or joining your business opportunity; who would be most likely to be the purchasing agent of your services?

Figuring this out will end up saving you a lot of advertising money, time, and head-aches.

You see, too often network marketers fail because they are convinced that EVERYONE is their target market, which is simply NOT TRUE! They spend all their time, effort, and energy pitching their product and business opportunity to everyone they know, without regard for interest level or need.

The result? Well it’s like trying to “sell steaks to a vegetarian”. See, it’s not that the product is not worthy. It’s just that without finding a NEED and WANT in their prospects, these network marketers:

  • 1. have no idea if there is a REAL tangible need for that product or business opportunity, and
  • 2. have no idea how to get in touch and connect with the people in the world who actually would be open to listening to a product or business opportunity pitch!

So before you even start thinking about spending your time and money on Social Media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.), newspaper ads or flyers, conjure up an image of the perfect customer for your products/services and/or business opportunity. Understand where they are coming from.

Ask yourself:

  • 1. What problems of theirs can I help solve? Product or Business Opportunity?
  • 2. What questions of theirs can I help answer?
  • 3. How do I relate to them?
  • 4. What is my unique about what I have?
  • 5. Why should they give a hell about you and your product, service or business opportunity?

Answering these questions will help you in writing and coming up with an Attraction Marketing Campaign, targeting your ideal customers and prospects. (The best part: They don’t even need to know YOU!)

This process helps setting up your “pre-filter.”

What is a Pre-Filter?

A pre-filter weeds out the people who are NOT interested in what you have to offer — thereby saving you marketing dollars and a lot of heartache talking to people who might otherwise, get angry at you.

In our steaks example, it’s simply filtering out all the vegetarians (and if you want to get more detailed, you’d also filter out those who only eat meats that are kosher).

Using a combination of effective offline & online marketing makes this process very painless, precise, inexpensive, and simple.

For starters, realize that a chunk of internet marketing is done via the search engines and social networks (such a Google, Facebook and YouTube for starters). This means, people come online with questions in mind — questions for which they are desperately seeking answers for.

They search for things like:

  • · “how do I make money online?” — great for joining business opportunities
  • · “holistic lower back pain relief” — great for chiropractors
  • · “how to build a dog house” — great for people selling books on carpentry
  • · “martial arts los angeles” — great for martial arts studios in L.A.
  • · “kosher butcher Phoenix Arizona” — great for Jamaican Jimmy & his Mexican lady who I never know were Jeweish, LOL.

…and so on.

They Are Already Telling Google and Facebook What They Want and Like!

Get These Platforms to tell you what it is!

A combination of effective offline and online marketing methods allows you to structure your marketing campaigns such that you get to pick out the questions you want to answer for your prospects.

You get to choose the questions and expressed needs which your products, services and business opportunity are well suited for and not concern yourself with the rest.

Sure, you can sort of accomplish this via traditional offline marketing (for example, only advertise on fitness-related magazines if you have a fitness product). However, when you combine effective offline and online marketing affords you MUCH more control in specifying whom you want to interact with and you can do it for A LOT Less!

This wider degree of control provides vital feedback and translates into money in the bank (from the profits you’ll reap because of your appropriately selected audience and the savings you’ll keep from not wasting money on fruitless marketing to the wrong crowd.)

The best part is… not only can you define your market (you can get as nitty-gritty detailed as you want), depending on the medium of your choice, you either pay very little for your marketing or you only pay when your audience responds to your ad.


Click Here to Learn More About the Attraction Marketing Formula Course, So You Can Build Your Business Rejection Free!!

Spend some time right now and brainstorm on what your market really looks like.

Identify those people who can relate to your products/services/business opportunity. (HINT: It’s not EVERYBODY!)

In the next issue we’ll cover more on how you build an Attraction Marketing Campaign to accomplish this. Stay tuned!

To Attracting the Right Customers and Team Members,

Rohan “Java Mac” McLeod
Your Postcard Networker Attraction Marketing & Success Coach

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