A little bit of history about the April BugBounty Hackathon

Maria Il'chenko
Attractor Software
Published in
2 min readMay 18, 2018


April 29, 2018, in Bishkek, the first hackathon in the format BugBounty, organized in a joint partnership with Attractor Software and JSC Optima Bank.

During the hackathon, participants were invited to familiarize themselves with the “Optima24” system, study and understand the test environment and find errors in this system.

During the hackathon, the participants were able to meet, share their experiences, discuss exciting news and ideas from the world of software development and taste delicious pizza :)

After the completion of the hackathon, all participants filled out the reports, which indicated all the information on the vulnerabilities found and provided recommendations for their elimination.
Further, information security specialists from Optima Bank reviewed all the reports, began work on eliminating vulnerabilities and selected winners, depending on the severity of the errors found.

Timur Timerkhanov took the first place. As a reward, he received a diploma for a busy first place and a trip to Moscow to the professional development committee of DevConf 2018, which was fully paid by the bank.

Second place was shared by the tandem of Nikita Inchin and Kasymaly uulu Bekbola. They received a diploma and great prizes — a table for picnics and a set of dishes.

