January Newsletter 2018

Standing Up to Slumlords, Winterization Workshop, Carson’s Phantom Press Conference, and an Upcoming Family-Friendly Asamblea

Autonomous Tenants Union
ATU Newsletters
4 min readJan 30, 2018


Standing Up to Slumlords with Leticia

On Saturday, January 20th, ATU held a demonstration outside the home of landlords Luis Molina and Amelia Espinoza.

Since August, Leticia and her family have been trying to get these landlords to make repairs to their unit. Mold, leaks, sewage and insects in their kitchen have been a consistent burden on Leticia and her family for months, and have caused ongoing illness for her and her daughter. In October of last year, instead of making repairs, the owners decided to serve Leticia with an eviction notice.

Luis and Amelia would rather put this family out in the cold than make the reasonable repairs to the unit. Leticia and her family have said repeatedly they are not going to leave, and continue to demand repairs be made. On the morning of the 20th, we confronted the owners at their home, making them feel a small shred of the anxiety that Leticia has felt all these months. Community members supported by flyering the block and revealing to neighbors their immoral and cold-hearted practices. The message was received loud and clear, with the chants “we’ll be back” ringing in their ears.

Tenants Rights and Keeping Warm in Winter

ATU held a Renter’s Rights and Winterization Workshop on January 29th. There we presented on how to legally reduce rent and hold landlords accountable. We also shared tips on warming your apartment and saving energy in a cost-effective way. Macy from Elevate Energy warned us about energy supplier scams and pointed out helpful resources. Community members went home with some window insulation. Thanks to all who made our workshop a success!

Ben Carson’s Phantom Chicago Press Conference

The Trump administration’s pick for Housing Secretary, Ben Carson, was met with fierce local resistance on his early January visit to Chicago. Carson was in Chicago days after the administration announced it would hold off on enforcing Obama-era housing rules meant to encourage desegregation. Carson, who happily runs a department with 22% less funding this year than last, and has called poverty “a state of mind,” was met by protest at each stop on his Chicago tour.

Activists from Chicago Fair Housing Alliance, Jane Addam’s Senior Caucus, Chicago Housing Initiative, ONE Northside, and Kenwood-Oakland Community Organization demanded a fully funded HUD that addresses poor conditions, nationwide housing instability and uneven distribution of housing subsidies that perpetuate segregation.

Jane Addams Senior Caucus welcomes Ben Carson to Chicago | Photo: JASC

After having security escort Debra Miller — a concerned 66 year-old voucher-holder — out of a “housing roundtable” downtown, and facing protests at a meeting in Bronzeville, Carson ghosted on his final stop, with reporters showing up to a scheduled press conference wondering where the HUD secretary was. Carson’s press secretary told confused reporters that the presser was moved to a different location, but journalists had trouble finding proof that any such conference happened at all. Swindlers and class enemies like Carson deserve to face local resistance like this at every turn, and our thanks go out to all the activists who brought important housing issues to the conversation and helped Carson make a fool himself on his trip to Chicago.

Family-Friendly Asamblea: Puppet Making, Feb. 24th

ATU will be having a Family Friendly Asamblea! Join us in making puppets for future actions against displacement. Feel free to bring any craft supplies you have. Snacks will be provided. Saturday, February 24th from 4–6 PM. 3253 W. Wilson Ave.

The Autonomous Tenants Union (ATU) is an all-volunteer organization committed to organizing for housing justice from below and to the left. As an independent collective based in Chicago, we strategize together to defend and enforce our right to dignified housing. We believe that housing is a human right not a commodity! We fight for an end to all of evictions, and for community control of housing through the building of popular power.

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Autonomous Tenants Union
ATU Newsletters

The Autonomous Tenants Union (ATU) is a tenants collective in Chicago dedicated to supporting & defending the rights of tenants | Facebook: http://bit.ly/2g8jV