October Newsletter 2018

Kimball Tenants Union Takes Their Landlord To Court, Idalia’s Victory, Know Thy Landlord: Research Training Asamblea, and ‘What Happened Here?’

Autonomous Tenants Union
ATU Newsletters
4 min readOct 25, 2018


Kimball Tenants Union Takes Their Landlord To Court

With the assistance of Community Activism Law Alliance (CALA), the Kimball Tenants Union filed a lawsuit against their landlord Stark Chicago, owner [REDACTED], and agent [REDACTED]. Earlier this year, [REDACTED] purchased the KTU’s building at 4841–3 N Kimball. Soon after, [REDACTED] attempted to evict every tenant so that the building could be gutted with the intent of doubling rents. After months of organized action by the KTU and its allies — including call-ins, delegations, and a community cookout — this suit represents a new tactic in the union’s arsenal.

While we have no illusions about the fact that the court system is designed to protect the landlord class, this affirmative suit shows that we are as capable of going on the offensive in the courts as we are outside of them. The KTU’s complaint against Stark details the wide array of conditions issues that Stark neglected after purchasing the building, a number of abuses committed by Stark employee Jesus Delgado, as well as improper and retaliatory notices posted for tenants by [REDACTED]. The suit accuses Stark of violations of Chicago’s Residential Landlord-Tenant Ordinance, criminal building mismanagement, deceptive business practices, and fraud. The initial hearing is scheduled for January 10, 2019 at 9:30 AM in Cook County District 1 court. Stay tuned for ways to support KTU’s ongoing fight!

Idalia’s Victory

Last November, Idalia Orozco had her security deposit stolen by landlords Johnnie and Bertha Duque after Idalia and her family had moved out of a unit owned by the Duques. Despite leaving the unit clean and empty as agreed upon, Idalia was first refused any of her $1100 back at all, and was later given a letter detailing exaggerated deductions and a check for only $249.51 — which bounced.

Refusing to back down in the face of aggression and disrespect from the Duques, Idalia joined up with ATU and fought back. This month, we are happy to report that as a result of an organized direct action campaign, and with the legal assistance of our partners at CALA, Idalia has received in full her security deposit — plus a little extra for her trouble. When we fight, we win!

Know Thy Landlord: Research Training Asamblea

In early September, ATU held a research training to show members how to dig up dirt on their landlords. We broke up into groups to demo things like finding your building’s PIN number, looking up building permits and violations, and doing research on your landlord and the LLCs they might be hiding behind. Landlords often try to hide behind their money and power — with research, we are able to address them as individuals. Navigating complicated city websites can frustrating, but building these skills makes us better able to strategize and choose targets for actions.

What Happened Here?

On October 14, ATU booked an apartment showing with Silver Property Group at the building the Sunnyside Manor Tenants Union fought for months to keep their homes in. Ads described the rehabbed apartments as “Never lived in.” The broker was surprised to end the tour greeted by ATU members with signs and banners calling out Silver’s unjust practices, including a former tenant who was evicted from the building.

Developers like Silver Property buy buildings inhabited by immigrant working-class families. Time and time again, Silver displaces these families from their homes, breaks their apartments into smaller units, doubles or triples the price, and then rents them to the single professionals who can afford them. ATU will not sit idly by as Silver gentries our neighborhood through the displacement of our friends & neighbors, all while lining their pockets. We are organized and ready to fight!

The Autonomous Tenants Union (ATU) is an all-volunteer organization committed to organizing for housing justice from below and to the left. As an independent collective based in Chicago, we strategize together to defend and enforce our right to dignified housing. We believe that housing is a human right not a commodity! We fight for an end to all of evictions, and for community control of housing through the building of popular power.

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Autonomous Tenants Union
ATU Newsletters

The Autonomous Tenants Union (ATU) is a tenants collective in Chicago dedicated to supporting & defending the rights of tenants | Facebook: http://bit.ly/2g8jV