Announcing: ATypI Diversity Fund

Gerry Leonidas
ATypI notes
3 min readApr 9, 2019


This is an initiative to enable communities that are under-represented in our membership to engage with the Association. The main objective is to increase the diversity of the Association’s membership attending our conference, with a focus on regions or communities that have not had a presence in the Association before. The ATypI Diversity Fund is particularly aimed at individuals from communities that are beginning to develop typographic resources, or are beginning to engage with the international community. The initiative aims to kickstart networks of support and knowledge in these regions and communities, to accelerate growth in typographic awareness, education, and practice worldwide. To support this initiative the Fund draws on one-off or regular donations by individual and corporate members, and a percentage of regular corporate memberships.

Who can apply?

Students, educators, designers, or enthusiasts who belong to regions or communities that are underrepresented in the Association, have never attended an ATypI event before, and are willing to share their local insights. Since the official language of the conference is English, we expect applicants to have a working knowledge of the language.

What will ATypI fund?

Applications are reviewed by a committee made up by two Country Delegates, two Board members, and one representative from our individual or corporate supporters. Successful applicants will receive a free registration to an ATypI event, and funding to help offset the cost of travel to the event. This is not expected to cover the full cost of attendance, and therefore applicants should plan accordingly. The committee will decide the number and amount of awards to make each year according to the available funds, and taking into account the location of our event and of the successful applicants.

What do you have to do in return?

ATypI will ask successful applicants to contribute to the ATypI event by some manner that will be agreed between the ADF committee, the conference organising committee, and the applicant. This is likely to be one of: a short presentation, a workshop, supplying an item for the goody bag, or any other activity that suits the profile of the applicant. The aim is to help introduce the applicant to the ATypI membership, and inform attendees about their community or region. In addition, ATypI will expect the selected applicant to promote the ATypI event on social media before, during and after the event, particularly in their region of origin.

How to apply

You can submit an application by sending us a PDF document with the following information:

• Personal details (name, school or institution, company, email, website, etc.).

• A short description of your activities that are relevant to typography ortypeface design, and the capacity in which you carry these out (e.g.student project, self-initiated project, commercial project); include information about where these are undertaken.

• Your motivation to attend the ATypI event, and what you expect to gain from the experience.

• What you may be able to contribute to the event.

Applications are accepted from 1 May, using this template. The deadline for applications to the Fund will be 31 May.

Want to help?

The ATypI Diversity Fund welcomes contributions. When we launch the call we will also open a special donation option on our store. Until then, do let us know if you’d like to help, by emailing

