The power of gratitude

or … the same life but in better

JM Planche
Au fil de l’eau …


It runs in my head since many time. More I listen some people, read, see things, more I want to share those moments of knowledge, joy and possibilities of change.

Then, thank you Florence Servan Schreiber. You was the trigger of this courage, helped by your cousin, David Servan Schreiber. I read some of his books, but I didn’t know the rest of the story. A person more than I would have liked to know.

I’m going to try to have the time to build this collection : “a better live”. You can help me with your own links, share your stories / incredible meets.

Thank you.

Le pouvoir de la gratitude (MUST SEE)

David Servan-Schreiver



JM Planche
Au fil de l’eau …

« L’intelligence c’est dépassé, la pensée bientôt à la mode et souvent trop formatée. Essayons l’intuition »