Design Trends 2020: Neumorphism Using Flutter

Vishwesh Soni
Aubergine Solutions
2 min readFeb 18, 2020
Neumorphism Effect

It’s Already 2020 and Neumorphism is trending…


  • Neumorphism is based on New + Skeuomorphism.
  • It’s a UI trend that came to rise this year.

Want to know more?

Well, Let’s try to implement using Flutter Framework.

Note: It is assumed that you have Flutter setup and this tutorial is for Mobile Applications only, though you can implement it on the web also.

First we will create a Convex Widget

After creating a convex widget, its time to create a Concave Widget

Similarly, add Icon of thumbs up(👍🏽) in new concave and convex Widget,

Link to the Thumbsup Concave and Convex Widgets.

Now let’s wrap it up with the MainScreen 🥂


We have Placed AnimatedContainer For Button Animation.

width: MediaQuery.of(context).size.width / 4,
height: MediaQuery.of(context).size.height / 8,
duration: Duration(seconds: 2),
child: isPressed
? convexWithThumb("Synth", Color(0xFF649166))
: concaveWithThumb("Beat"),

Hurrah 👏 ..! Neumorphism Effect Worked ….

Now you all can explore more on this on your own.

Remote Controller Example

Remote Controller

