Introducing Platypus - Creating Code Screenshots Made Easy on Mobile 📱

Tirth Patel
Aubergine Solutions
4 min readDec 18, 2019

Carbon is a popular service for creating beautiful code screenshots. I always use it to create awesome code screenshots. Imagine a situation when you don’t have a computer and you want to do the same, you’ve to use their website on the mobile. So, what if there was a native application for the exact same purpose?!


Introducing Platypus (made using Flutter), creating code screenshots made easy on mobile.


📝 Overview

  • Users can customize the look and feel of the screenshot by changing padding, background color, syntax highlighting, programming language, font-size, line-height, shadow & style of window circles (red, yellow, and green buttons).
  • Screenshots can be shared via other applications such as Twitter, Slack, or Gmail, etc. or save it locally on the device.
  • Screenshot styling (padding, background color, syntax highlighting, programming language, font-size, line-height, shadow & style of window circles (red, yellow, and green buttons) can be exported as JSON.
  • Exported screenshot stylings can be imported to quickly generate screenshots.

🔌 Prerequisites

$ flutter create platypus

📁 Directory Structure

Directory Structure

🍺 Dependencies

  • Add the following dependencies in pubspec.yaml file and run the following command to retrieve them.
$ flutter packages get

🎹 Coding

  • There is only 1 screen in the app: HomeScreen.

🚪 main.dart

  • Here we have set up routes, providers and themes for the application.

🏡 HomeScreen

  • HomeProvider file under lib/providers/ has several members, getters and setters for managing the states of the home screen.
  • HomeScreen has an app-bar which contains a reset button to reset everything to default.
  • There is an attach button to import an existing style config (JSON) from the device, and an eye icon to switch to preview mode from edit mode.
  • Clicking on 👀 the eye icon shows an 📝 edit icon by hiding 👀 the icon, clicking on which we’re back in edit mode.
  • When you’re in preview mode, the share icon is also visible to either share the code screenshot generated using screenshot package using share_extend plugin or export the current style config as a JSON file using file picker plugin.
AppBar in lib/screens/home/home.dart
  • Clicking on the export config button in the share dialog creates the map (key, value) where values are the current value of all preferences (padding, font-size, background-color, etc.). This map is encoded using jsonEncode and saved locally on the device as a JSON file.
Method to export style config in lib/utils/utils.dart
  • Body of the HomeScreen has a Row which contains 2 things: editor & list of widgets to change the styling of the code.
Row widget in the body of the HomeScreen - lib/screens/home/home.dart
  • Editor UI is made by combining widgets like TextFormField, Row, Column, SingleChildScrollView, and Containers.
  • Screenshot widget helps in generating the screenshot of the entire widget tree below it.
First Child (Editor) of Row in the body of HomeScreen - lib/screens/home/home.dart
  • Besides the editor, there is a list of widgets that helps in customizing the look and feel of the editor code.
  • It is made up of widgets such as Sliders, RaisedButtons, Containers, and Dropdowns. You can check out these widgets under lib/screens/home/widgets/.
  • You can change horizontal/vertical padding between the code editor and the container behind it.
  • You can change the background color of the container & toggle the shadow of the container behind the code editor.
  • You can also change the font-size, line-height, and syntax highlighting theme (flutter highlight package) of the code.
  • The position and style of window control buttons (red, yellow, and green circles) can be customized as well.
Second Child (Styling Preferences) of Row in the body of HomeScreen — lib/screens/home/home.dart

You can check out the source code of the app here. Feel free to contribute to the project by creating issues or sending pull-requests.

That’s it for this one. Thank you for reading this 💙

