Victoria Apostolova
AUBG 2023
2 min readNov 14, 2019


Mitko Donev thinks of himself neither as a dreamer, nor as a worker. Probably something in the middle. But if he had the chance to choose one, he would not consider being only a worker. ¨It is demotivating to pick the other one. Being only realistic sounds kinda boring. I’d like to be positive, not realistic,¨ Mitko says.

Mitko has lived his whole life in Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria and he is studying now at AUBG. He thinks of AUBG as a whole new part of his hometown he has never seen before. ¨I finally felt like a grown-up person when I saw all those students walking around me. It was very different than the first day of high school. It felt like everybody was a bit more independent,¨ Mitko says.

He wants to major in Business Administration and Psychology. Mitko thinks that these fields of study are closely related to each other. ¨If you understand your own psychology, how your own mind works and what your customer’s behavior is, you are more likely to get better results in Business,¨ Mitko says.

Mitko is more of an extrovert rather than an introvert. He loves communicating with people and cares about their opinion about him. ¨I would like to have everybody like me, I am that kind of a person,¨ Mitko says.

The other option Mitko had to get his bachelor degree was to continue his studies in Germany. ¨I was almost 100% sure that I want to study in Munich,¨ says Mitko. Eventually he chose to stay in Bulgaria due to financial reasons that occurred all of a sudden. Soon he saw that staying here was not a bad choice after all. Mitko is part of the Psychology club. Most of all he likes how active the participants at the club are and how much they want to contribute to the university.

For the next four years as an undergraduate, Mitko wants to become more organized, confident, and precise. He also wants to have progress at the gym because it is one of the things he likes to do the most.


Victoria Apostolova is a sophomore in AUBG. Her first year at the university was really stressed , that is why she is interested in learning about other people’s stories about their first year.



Victoria Apostolova
AUBG 2023
Writer for

Journalism is literature in a hurry. -Matthew Arnold