Presiana Tsvetkova

Kaloyan Sredov
AUBG 2023
Published in
2 min readNov 14, 2019

Presiana Tsvetkova’s face starts shining when asked about her hobby of jewelry making with semi-precious gemstones. Although she does not currently have them in AUBG, she plans to continue doing her hobby when she goes back to Razgrad, her small home town, for the winter break.

“But I want to focus more on my studies right now and will think about it in the long run,” says Presiana when asked why she does not practice her crafts skills while at AUBG.

Presiana is an AUBG freshman, part of the AUBG Business Club. She wakes up almost every day at 7am in order to be prepared for her 9am lectures. She does not have any siblings but would not mind having one, as she “believes that siblings are friends for life.”

Presi’s family plays a huge role in her life. Although there were times during her high school years, when, as a typical teenager, she was rebelling against her parents, now she understands why her mother was so strict. “I believe that this is the trait which has made me so punctual. Now it pays off,” says Presi with a proud smile on her face.

She has a really strong connection with her mother. “We’re friends and only after that, she’s my mom. We chat a lot, gossip… like the things best friends do. And I’m really grateful for her,” says Presi.

Presi is willing to dive deeper into the fields of Business, Psychology and Spanish at AUBG. In fact, she is currently in the process of preparing for a Spanish certificate, which she will sit in May. She is enjoying her intermediate level Spanish classes at AUBG, in which she has the chance, through interactive tasks and projects, to master the language.

Having visited around 14 countries so far, she does not hesitate to give a straightforward answer to the question which country is her favorite one. “Portugal, definitely. The food, the people, the architecture are breathtaking,” says Presi while wearing her “strange” blue socks.

For Presi, AUBG really is the place to be. She sees potential in smaller towns and feels good in her current occupation as a student in Blagoevgrad. “I decided to come here because it’s in my home country, it’s close to my home. The community is different.”


Kaloyan Sredov is a junior at AUBG, majoring in Business Administration and minoring in Jounalism and Mass Communications, and also in Integrated Marketing Communications. He enjoys wearing handmade apparel, tote bags, wallets and buying unique jewelry for his friends as he values art and appreciates the personal touch.

