Teodora Bachvarova

AUBG 2023
Published in
2 min readNov 14, 2019
Photographed by Ilina Stoyanova

“I like variety. I will go crazy if I am every day at one place,” Teodora says.

Teodora Bachavrova has not really thought about what she wants to do with her life. She just knows that she does not want to work behind a desk.

Teodora is a freshman at AUBG who comes from Kardzhali, Bulgaria. She wanted to study in America and was even accepted in Hult International Business School, University of Denver, and the University of San Francisco, but they were all too expensive. She plans to major in Business Administration and Psychology, although she may end up doing Psychology as a minor.

Even though her biggest fear when she arrived at AUBG was not being able to fit in and find friends, Teodora sees herself as an extrovert when she is in the company of others. “I don’t do uncomfortable poses. It’s weird. I will say something or talk to the people. If I am in a new company, I will try to get to know the people so I know how to address them accordingly and try to make the conversation interesting.”

Teodora is a traveler at heart and has been to several countries in Europe. Her favorite one was Austria and more specifically the capital city Vienna. However, her dream place to visit is Alaska so she can see the Northern lights.

She gets this inspiration to see the Northern lights in Alaska, not Scandinavia, from movies. She says, “I want to go to Alaska, because it is the most traditional way of seeing them. In movies, you would see them in Alaska. ”

Teodora also loves animals, even though she was bitten by a dog on the forehead when she was a kid. She is not allowed to have one but would love to have a cat. She says that one thing she does not like about Bulgaria is the amount of homeless animals.

Teodora is looking forward to the future and has in mind what kind of person she wants to be. “I would like to be someone independent, cool and someone who can get by pretty easily and who has animals.”

Ilina Stoyanova is a sophomore at AUBG. She loved her freshman year and the interview was a trip down memory lane for her.

