Diana Deliivanova

Maria Petrova
AUBG Class of 2022
Published in
2 min readNov 20, 2018
Photographed by Maria Sivkova

Diana Deliivanova likes the American type of education and lifestyle and that is why she chose to study Business in AUBG.

“Here I have the opportunity to change my initial choice,” Diana says while doubting about the second major she wants to declare.

Diana is a freshman who comes from Sofia. She is really motivated and enthusiastic young person who loves taking part in different activities that can improve her personality.

“I think that even small things, like communicating and sharing ideas, help us develop,” Diana explains. She has participated in three Erasmus programs that made her more confident and creative. “This is something that everyone should try at least once in their lifetime.”

The initial reason she applied for such an exchange was her desire to travel all around the world. While she was visiting different places, the architecture impressed her the most. “Erasmus gave me the opportunity to visit places I would have never imagined going to, such as Sardinia, Italy.”

She cannot decide which program is her favorite one because she is keeping the great memories from all of these. She misses the time spent with people from different cultures and nationalities as well.

Diana also misses her school years a lot and especially the time she spent organizing a Tedx event with her best friend. “The idea was born two years ago, accidentally,”- she points out. After spending a few months working really hard on the project, she managed to organize the event, which she was very proud of. The greatest achievement for her was that the audience liked both the idea and the organization of the event.

“I think that this was a great experience for me because I learned how things are happening in reality. This is one of the most important things that we, unfortunately, are not able to learn in school.”

When she is not participating in projects or organizing events, Diana loves preparing and decorating cakes for her friends and family. This is something that makes her forget about the daily concerns. “This, I could say, is my biggest passion.”

