RE-LAUNCHED: Introducing The AuBit Freeway ‘Forever Rewards’ Referral Program

Sadie Hutton
7 min readFeb 12, 2021


Earn passive referral rewards for life with Freeway

Perhaps you have heard that Freeway will pay you and your friends for the lifetime of your accounts, based on each other’s platform holdings and performance.

For every user you refer to Freeway, you will earn 10% of their Supercharger APYs per year.

Now, the magic here is that Freeway pays the referral rewards, so your referred users keep the full 43% APY on the USD Supercharger, for example, and you get an extra 4.3%.

That means that you earn rewards at APYs based on other people’s assets, simply for referring them and it is better to be referred and to refer than go it alone.

But that’s not all…

They will also receive increased rewards for being part of your referral group.

What’s more, these rewards are FOREVER while your referred users continue using Freeway.

And once they’re a user, they can then refer more friends to receive the full 10% of the Supercharger APYs their friends receive and so on… in a beautiful network effect where everyone wins, whether you’re a pope, a banker, a merchant, or teacher, manual worker, student, or anyone else in society.

This article explains how…

And to reiterate, yes, these rewards are for life.

So long as you and your friends hold assets that earn rewards on Freeway, you will continue earning Freeway Forever Rewards.

It’s a nice and easy way to earn extra APY on other people’s money.

So, what exactly is the Freeway Referral Program?

To understand how it works, first you need to understand a little about the AuBit Freeway platform and how that works.

So here’s a 30-second overview.

What is the AuBit Freeway Platform & App?

Available in more than 180 countries worldwide, the Freeway platform & app is a brand new asset management platform that network’s the world’s top investment products including stocks, bonds, gold, and crypto, and designed for greater total returns with no additional downside risk.

It does this by redistributing 80% of transaction fees and product-related revenues for the benefit of all users.

In typical asset management, you buy an asset and the price goes up or down.

With AuBit, however, you get that same asset price performance, but you also get more of the asset you own through the redistribution of fees. That means you get the basic product performance PLUS AuBitised or ‘network-enhanced’ gains from AuBit fee redistribution across the network.

Here’s a simple example:

Let’s say you buy an ounce of gold.

Typically, if you keep that gold, you’ll still have one ounce one year from now, 10 years from now, and even 100 years from now.

Only the value of the gold changes.

When you buy AuBitised gold, however, you receive your fair share of fee and product-related fee redistributions in the form of more gold.

That means that, the longer you hold your gold and the more that people trade, the more gold you own.

So you could begin with one ounce and end up owning, hypothetically, 2 ounces — over sufficient time given enough trading volume.

That’s because, with AuBit, not only can the value of an asset increase, but the volume increases, too.

And that’s true of any AuBitised asset from stocks, bonds, crypto and more.

So that’s how the app works, but what about the referral program?

Freeway Forever Rewards

Remember at the beginning when maybe, with AuBit, you get product performance PLUS AuBitised or ‘network-enhanced’ gains from fee redistribution across the network?

Well, that’s vital to understanding how your Forever Rewards work because there are two aspects of Forever Rewards:

  1. Forever Direct Rewards from your referrals
  2. Forever Group Rewards from your entire Referral Group Pool

1. Forever Direct Rewards From Referrals

The referral rewards you receive differ across product types.

With Freeway Lite and the Supercharger staking products, you receive 10% of your friend’s APYs paid by Freeway.

For example, if your friend has $10,000 in the USD Supercharger earning 43% APY, they will earn $4,300 a year in staking rewards.

As their referrer, you’ll receive 10%. So that’s $430 in your pocket for sharing the link.

Of course, if your friend continues to use the platform in year 2, and the staking rewards remain constant, now they’ll earn 43% on $14,300.

And you’ll receive your 10% too, now on the higher amount.

There is no limit to the number of friends you can refer.

So you can see how these numbers can get exciting and potentially compound over time.

In future, on more traditional assets like stocks, bonds, and gold, Forever Rewards mean that you receive the equivalent of 2.5% of all of your referrals’ AuBitised rewards forever — again, paid by Freeway.

For example, if your 10 referrers all buy and hold AuBitised gold, you will receive at least the equivalent of 2.5% of their AuBitised gold redistributions for the next 10, 20, or even 100 years.

That means that, if your friends have an average of $10,000 each in AuBitised assets and receive, for example, a total of $5,000 per year between them in AuBitised or ‘network-enhanced’ gains, you will receive an extra $125 per year in Forever Rewards.

That’s all because you receive the equivalent of 2.5% of all the AuBitised gains that your referrals enjoy — forever.

IMPORTANT: Forever Rewards are paid directly to you by the platform. They do not cut into your referrals’ gains. They keep 100% of their gains and you get an extra 2.5%.

But that’s STILL not all…

2. Forever Group Rewards From Your Entire Referral Group Pool

Your Forever Group Rewards mean that you’ll also receive rewards from your much larger Referral Group Pool.

Beyond just you and your immediate friends, you will be linked to a much larger referral group of hundreds or perhaps even thousands of people.

Now, you and everyone else in your group will share the equivalent of an extra 10% of Supercharger holdings and an extra 2.5% of the other AuBitised gains enjoyed by the entire group.

Remember, Forever Rewards are paid to you in the AuBitised Products the rewards are generated from — forever.

That’s worth repeating.

So if some friends buy gold, others bitcoin, and other Supercharger products, you’ll receive your share of all of them!

And of course, since the redistribution pools grow every time any product trades on the Freeway Platform, there is constant referral reward generation.

So these rewards are really going to add up.

It’s like network-enhanced gains compounded by referrals on steroids.

And again, these Referral Rewards never, ever come out of the user’s pocket. They are all from Freeway to you.

I know, this is getting a little complex as there are rewards upon rewards upon rewards.

But the point is this: the more people you refer, the greater your potential rewards — and those rewards have incredible compounding effects.

A rising tide lifts all boats, and we want to encourage an AuBit tsunami.

One of AuBit’s heroes is Jack Bogle — the legendary founder of Vanguard, the world’s second-largest asset manager — who said that we need to make sure “users receive their fair share of the returns that the great economic system produces.”

Well, we don’t control the system, but we did build the AuBit economic system.

And whether you refer one person or 1,000, we hope you’ll agree that the rewards are in line with our philosophy of #accessforall while maintaining fair incentives for super referrers and whales.

How to Refer Your Friends

Introducing A New Simplified ‘One-Click’ Referral Process

Starting today, we have launched a new simplified one-click referral process that makes it as easy as possible for you and your friends to earn Freeway Forever Rewards.

To refer a friend, all you need to do is:

  • Click the ‘invite friend’ button inside your Freeway Lite account to find your unique referral link.
  • Share your link with friends far and wide.
  • Anyone who clicks and signs up will automatically join your referral group where you will both receive Forever Rewards for the life of your accounts.

It’s as easy as that.

So why not login to Freeway Lite now and begin sharing your link?

Click ‘Invite Friends’ to find your link
Copy your unique referral link
Your friends will arrive directly to the account creation page
where they’ll automatically be added to your referral group

Your referral rewards based on Supercharger holdings begin accruing immediately and will become available in your account a little later on when the feature goes fully live.

If you’re in the US and don’t already have access to Freeway Lite to find your unique referral code, visit & you can claim your code there

The very second that you and your referred users sign up for a Freeway account, pass KYC, and get active in your first AuBitised products — you’ll immediately receive your referral rewards from then until eternity.

All you have to do is visit, enter your email address, and share your unique referral link with friends, family, colleagues, and on social media.

Why not get referring today? Your Forever Rewards await you.

For platform users, find your referral code inside Freeway Lite under ‘Invite Friends.’

If you’re not yet a platform users, visit and begin referring now.

