Osasion Weekly Report #10 (February 1st — February 7th)

Highlight: Osasion nodes surpassed 13k!

Osasion Blockchain
2 min readFeb 8, 2021


I. Osasion Node Information Update

Osasion Active Nodes: 13,036

Array Reference: 9,223

Inventive Mining Pool: 3,336,463

AUC Pool: 2,697,636

II. Marketing Update

Osasion Nodes reached 13,000!

Osasion Telegram community size surpassed 22,000

Osasion started a new series “Osasion Academy”, which will explain all Osasion related terms, aim to provide a tutorial section for all blockchain users.

III. Community

Twitter Followers: 11,409

Telegram Community: 20,569

  • English Telegram Community: 17,062
  • Chinese Telegram Community: 3,507

· Osasion Blockchain Twitter and Telegram Channel (For the latest news)

· Osasion Blockchain Telegram Community

· Osasion Blockchain Facebook Page and Discord

· Osasion Blockchain Medium (For the latest articles)

· Osasion Blockchain GitHub (For the full set of code)

