DomRaider is on CoinMarketCap!

Domraider Team
Published in
2 min readOct 20, 2017

As we previously told, DomRaider ICO successfully ended, but for us it is just the beginning. Our team is working on business and partnership developments, and addition of essential staff roles progressing with every day, for the creation of the Decentralized BlockChain Auctions in Real-Time.

And, this morning, this just came in and we are excited! Now our DomRaider Token, DRT is listed on CoinMarketCap, which you can view here.

DRT (DomRaider Token) listed on CoinMarketCap

What isCoinMarketCap?

Coinmarketcap is a website meant for tracking the market capitalisation of various cryptocurrencies. It is a great deal to be listed on coinmarketcap and be a part of an exquisite league of altcoins such as Gnosis, Augur, Golem etc. Our presence on its index will provided us wider visibility resulting in global investments, hence a great value addition to our market value. Such greater acceptability among different exchanges will pour in massive investments resulting in better returns.

This enthusing news comes on the back of the DRT Token being added for trading and exchange on EtherDelta and HitBTC.

As the fuel of the DomRaider ecosystem, the market development of the DRT Token is an important aspect. We will be announcing further development with the DRT token, exchanges, and token listing platforms shortly.

As more and more industry experts evaluate our project, we’re moving closer to making our dream come true and rocking the BlockChain Auctions onto a worldwide sphere!

Stay tuned!

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Domraider Team

Account run by DomRaider Team for publishing stories about Auctionity, the Decentralized Blockchain Auctions in Real-Time • Follow