Is this the largest collection of Playboy magazines for sale?

Auction Nation 🌎
Published in
2 min readNov 8, 2017

Is Tom’s collection of Playboy magazines the largest one to be offered in a single sale?

You can find plenty of Playboy collections available for sale to the public, but one of the largest available at this time, is by Tom of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Tom is auctioning off his 60 years worth of Playboy magazines dating back to January 1956 until December 2016. He is offering his incredible collection through the online auction company Auction Nation, missing only the first 3 years from his collection since he stopped his subscription.

“I have been a collector of printed materials since adolescence. It started with comic books and graduated to Playboy during my tour of active duty with the U.S. Air force in the 60’s. I acquired other years at flea markets and auctions over the years”, said Tom.

When asking Tom about why he subscribed and if he is still a subscriber he answered: “The standard answer of enjoying Playboy for the editorial content (while trite) is true in my case as I enjoyed the humor present in the publication. I no longer subscribe due to the severe format change as of 2017. It lost it “swagger,” if you will.”

Deciding to auction off his entire collection is a big decision after all these years of collecting the magazines. Here is what Tom had to tell us about why he decided to auction off his magazines: “I have chosen to auction off my collection to lighten my footprint. Preparing for the eventual destination (my demise). I am choosing to make things easier on my family when they attempt to dispose of my voluminous collections of various printed materials. I hope someone with similar interests to my own would see fit to acquire my collection and get as much enjoyment from them as I did.”

There is something special about the vintage, classic magazines with iconic pop culture staples like Bo Derek, Pamela Anderson, Anna Nicole Smith just to name a few. Vintage Playboy magazines are more popular now than ever considering all the changes to the modern Playboy brand. For long-term subscribers, the vintage magazines offer invaluable memorabilia remembering how it all started when Hugh Hefner in 1953 published the first edition with Marilyn Monroe on the front cover.

If you’re looking to get your hands on these iconic magazines, you can view his collection at, where you can also place bids on Tom’s collection by creating a free account.



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