Audeara First Release: Sold Out!

Alex Afflick
Published in
2 min readOct 4, 2017

Audeara is excited to announce that we have officially sold out of our initial release of the A-01 headphones and have closed pre-orders for the first round of delivery.

The world was first introduced to Audeara in March when our Kickstarter campaign smashed our target within 24 hours and went on to raise almost half a million dollars (AUD). Since then, we’ve been working harder than ever to finalise production and deliver our pledgends and pre-order backers the world’s first full-fidelity headphones with a built-in hearing test.

We have continued to take pre-orders throughout this time and will be delivering 2500 A-01 headphones in the first release.

A decision to upgrade the headphones’ armature to anodised aluminium meant the shipping date was pushed back from the initially-expected July delivery, but the team knew they could do more to deliver on the expected experience and we’re confident all customers will appreciate the superior quality of the product.

CEO Dr. James Fielding says, “We’re thankful to all of our supporters who have backed us along the way. We can’t wait to give our customers what they’ve been patiently waiting for.”

“This is a dream come true and it’s amazing to think people will be listening to their favourite music with Audeara headphones. Headphones are such an enormous part of people’s lives now, a connection, an escape, a business tool, and we’re proud to be delivering something so valuable. We’re looking forward to further opportunities to share our message and educate people about hearing health while delivering an amazing sound experience.”

“We’re blown away, and you will be too!”

Pre-orders for the second release of Audeara’s A-01 headphones are still open and can be made at They are currently being offered at the discounted price of AU$399 prior to the full commercial release later this year. The second release will be shipped before Christmas.

For more information, please email Isobel Young at to request the Audeara media kit.

