Alex Afflick
Published in
3 min readAug 29, 2017


My #BIGSOUND17 Top 5: Isobel Young

Today marks one week until BIGSOUND 2017, so in the lead up to the music festival and industry conference the Audeara team is sharing the top 5 things they’re most looking forward to seeing and doing at the festival. We’ll also be talking to some of our friends who will also be attending, so stay tuned for more throughout the next week!

About Isobel.

One of three Isabels in the office, Isobel with an ‘o’ is affectionately* called Izzy (*she thinks). Izzy’s the go-to marketing and content person for Audeara and spends much of the day trawling through Instagram for ‘work’ and distracting the engineering team. She loves to hustle and counts an accidental run in with the Game of Thrones cast at Southbank as one of her proudest achievements. We asked her the top 5 things she’s excited for #BIGSOUND17 — let’s go!

  1. Washington

I first fell in love with Megan Washington after ‘My Heart is a Wheel’ was released in 2014. Her indie-pop vibe is perfect for a Sunday afternoon and I can’t wait to see her perform!

Thursday, 7th September 10.30–11.00pm at 256 Wickham

2. LunchBox

Our friends from LunchBox are coming up to the Sunshine State for Big Sound and I’m excited to grab a cheeky drink or two with the team and show them my favourite food spots in the Valley. I love how Lunchbox is championing the local music industry and can’t wait to see what content they produce throughout the festival!

3. Can Music Float in a Flooded Multi-Media Landscape?

As someone who works in the media, I’m really interested in this panel as it looks at how industry operators and publicists are handling an ever-changing landscape and what makes someone really stand out in a flooded market.

Thursday, 7th September 3.35–4.35pm at IMA Courtyard

4. Confidence Man

I’d never heard of Confidence Man until very recently, but after a killer set at Splendour in the Grass and an endorsement by Kochie, I’ll definitely be heading to their gig at BIGSOUND to see what the fuss is all about — I think it will be amazing!

Tuesday, 5th September 11.20–11.50pm at 256 Wickham

5. Music Tech Showcase

Last but not least — we’re exhibiting as part of the Music Tech Showcase, so it will be great to network with the other companies there and support Australian tech talent. In particular, I look forward to catching up with the team from Prysim Music who we originally met at RISE Conference in Hong Kong, and learning from the incredible mentors.

Wednesday, 6th September 12.00–4.00pm at Cloudland

If you’ll be heading to BIGSOUND Festival and Conference, make sure to let us know and come visit our stand at the Music Tech showcase!

Let’s be social!

